Microsoft set to launch ‘plasmabot’ to help recovered coronavirus patients donate plasma

Convalescent plasma has been used to treat infections for at least a century, dating back to the 1918 Spanish flu pandemic.   It was also trialed during the 2009-2010 H1N1 influenza virus pandemic, 2003 SARS epidemic, and the 2012 MERS epidemic.  Convalescent plasma was used as a last resort to improve the survival rate of patients … Read more

Government watchdog rules Pentagon’s $10billion cloud contract award to Microsoft was legal

A government watchdog agency has ruled that the Pentagon’s cloud contract award to Microsoft was legal, despite claims from Amazon that it was snubbed because of President Donald Trump’s dislike for Jeff Bezos.  The Defense Department inspector general found no evidence of White House interference in the highly lucrative cloud computing contract award process, ruling … Read more

‘We’re in big trouble’: Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates warns that coronavirus testing must improve

Billionaire Bill Gates has warned that coronavirus testing in the United States must improve and priority given to healthcare workers and those most in need before the country can effectively emerge from the outbreak.  The Microsoft co-founder spoke with CNBC on Thursday, where he said that the federal government had shown no interest in creating … Read more

Taiwan bans Zoom for any government use and recommends workers use Google or Microsoft instead

Taiwan bans government workers from using Zoom over security flaws and instead recommends remote workers use Google or Microsoft products Government workers in Taiwan won’t be allowed to use Zoom for telecommuting Taiwan’s cabinet said workers should use products from Google and Microsoft The ban comes after similar recommendations from Canada, Australia, and more By … Read more

Microsoft officially makes all events digital-only until July 2021 due to coronavirus pandemic

Microsoft officially makes all of its events digital-only until July 2021 due to coronavirus pandemic The company will officially go digital-only on major events into next year Microsoft says that its move is in response to a coronavirus pandemic Major events like its Build and CES are encompassed by the decision By James Pero For … Read more

Microsoft makes major events for the coming YEAR digital-only due to an ongoing coronavirus pandemic

Microsoft is cancelling all of its major in-person events for the coming YEAR and making them digital-only due to an ongoing coronavirus pandemic Microsoft will cancel in-person events for the coming year Major conference like Ignite will go digital-only  The company hasn’t made a decision on events scheduled for 2021  Coronavirus symptoms: what are they … Read more

Microsoft forced to tweak cloud services after seeing 775 PERCENT demand increase due to isolation

Microsoft is forced to tweak its cloud services after seeing a 775 PERCENT demand increase due to coronavirus isolation measures Microsoft has seen a surge in its cloud services due to coronavirus isolation  The company says its cloud services have surged 775 percent in affected areas As a result it will alter services to maintain … Read more

Facebook and Microsoft and WHO come together for coronavirus ‘hackathon’ 

What is the coronavirus?  A coronavirus is a type of virus which can cause illness in animals and people. Viruses break into cells inside their host and use them to reproduce itself and disrupt the body’s normal functions. Coronaviruses are named after the Latin word ‘corona’, which means crown, because they are encased by a … Read more

Microsoft says hackers are exploiting a vulnerability in ALL versions of Windows

Microsoft says hackers are exploiting a vulnerability in ALL versions of Windows that lets them hijack users’ computers — and there’s currently no fix The flaw emerges from the way that Windows handles and renders fonts Hackers can exploit it by tricking users into opening a malicious document  Microsoft said that a patch addressing the flaw should be … Read more

Microsoft develops ‘real time noise suppression’ for conference calls to filter background noises

Microsoft unveils a ‘real time noise suppression’ tool for conference calls to help people working from home filter out potentially embarrassing background noises Microsoft has demonstrated a new feature for its communications tool Teams Users on conference calls will now have the option to filter background noise The company demonstrated the feature by removing the … Read more