Protesters chant ‘Allahu Akbar’ in Jakarta after Indonesia condemns Macron

Protests against Emmanuel Macron have continued across the Muslim world in the wake of his comments over depictions of the Prophet Mohammed. In Jakarta, more than 2,000 demonstrators wearing white Islamic robes gathered in front of the French embassy to express their outrage, and burned an effigy of the French President. Meanwhile in Bangladesh, at … Read more

French fishermen threaten to stop British goods at the border if Macron fails to strike a deal

French fishermen threaten to stop British goods at the border if Macron fails to strike a deal President Emmanuel Macron and government have been on a charm offensive  They publicly adopted Theresa May’s ‘No Deal is better than a bad one’ mantra But he was forced into an embarrassing climbdown after an earlier EU summit  … Read more

Muslims protest against Macron outside London’s French embassy

Police clashed with Muslim protesters demanding ‘respect for the Prophet’ in London today outside the French Embassy over Emmanuel Macron’s stance on Charlie Hebdo cartoons. Demonstrators gathered in the capital holding signs that bore the words ‘We will not tolerate disrespect of our beloved prophet’, ‘The Earth’s biggest terrorist is Macron’ and ‘Insult is not freedom of speech’ as the … Read more

France announces second national lockdown as Macron warns second wave will be more lethal

French President Macron has announced a new nationwide lockdown today, stating that ‘France could never standby and see hundreds of thousands of its citizens die.’ The national measure will take effect from Friday morning and is considered to be ‘more flexible’ than the lockdown first imposed on France in March, with all public services to remain open.  … Read more

Emmanuel and Brigitte Macron age gap ‘mocked by Francois Hollande’

Former French president Francois Hollande has made no secret of his dislike of the current presidential couple, and now it’s been revealed that he and his partner like to poke fun at the 25-year age gap between Emmanuel Macron and his wife.  Authors of Madame The President, journalists Ava Djamshidi and Nathalie Schuck, claim in … Read more

Julie Gayet and Francois Hollande call Brigitte Macron ‘the old one’ behind her back

Former French president Francois Hollande has made no secret of his dislike of the current presidential couple, and now it’s been revealed that he and his partner like to poke fun at the 25-year age gap between Emmanuel Macron and his wife.  Authors of Madame The President, journalists Ava Djamshidi and Nathalie Schuck, claim in … Read more

President Macron could announce new nationwide French lockdown TOMORROW

French President Macron could announce a new nationwide lockdown tomorrow evening as a growing wave of anti-lockdown protests sweep Europe.  The French government is envisaging a month-long national lockdown to combat the coronavirus resurgence which could take effect from midnight on Thursday, France’s BFM TV reported today.   Macron is due to make a televised address … Read more

Protests against Emmanuel Macron grow after he defended cartoons of Prophet Mohammed

Emmanuel Macron has found himself demonised at protests throughout the Islamic world as anger grows at his defence of cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed.  Tens of thousands of demonstrators took to the streets of Bangladesh on Tuesday, branding him a ‘Satan-worshipper’ and burning him in effigy following smaller marches in Pakistan, Iraq, Turkey and Gaza … Read more

Paul Pogba will NOT quit the French team following Emmanuel Macron statements on Islamic terrorism

‘Unacceptable. Fake news!’ Paul Pogba slams claims from the Middle East that he will quit the French football team in retaliation for statements by French president Emmanuel Macron that Islam was the source of international terrorism Sportsmail understands Paul Pogba has no intentions of quitting France team It was reported that Pogba ‘resigned’ from international football … Read more

Emmanuel Macron will ‘relax stance’ that UK must follow EU rules after it leaves the EU

Emmanuel Macron could soften demands the UK must follow EU rules in a new deal – to stop it potentially backfiring on France, it has been revealed. The French president is thought to have releaxed his stance, especially on state aid, after Boris Johnson cancelled trade talks last week.  The UK could sue France over … Read more