Covid cops will be out in force tonight: Police warn Londoners against having a boozy ‘blow out’

Metropolitan Police has revealed the force is ramping up efforts to patrol pubs for ‘dangerous and reckless breaches’ and will stop any signs of a boozy ‘blow out’ tonight. The warning comes on Londoners’ final night of freedom ahead of tighter restrictions preventing multiple households meeting for a drink in the pub when the capital … Read more

Sadiq Khan warns Londoners’ lives at risk if capital continues to suffer a Covid-19 testing shortage

Sadiq Khan has warned Londoners’ will die if the capital continues to be hit with coronavirus testing shortages Sadiq Khan has warned Londoners’ will die if the capital continues to be hit with coronavirus testing shortages amid fears a lack of swabs could be masking the true scale of the city’s outbreak. The London Mayor’s … Read more

Sadiq Khan wants Londoners banned from visiting friends and family

Sadiq Khan has urged the Prime Minister to outlaw house visits for nine million people in London as part of lockdown measures to tackle rising Covid-19 infections. London has been placed on the national lockdown watchlist due to a spike in coronavirus cases and hospital admissions, with Government advisors warning the capital’s R rate may … Read more

Londoners head to restaurants and bars across the UK on the final weekend before stricter measures

Punters have flocked to restaurants and bars across the UK on the final weekend before strict ‘rule of six’ measures are enforced next week. Large groups packed on to pedestrianised streets in Clapham Junction, south west London, to gulp down their pints with friends. Others lined up outside coffee shops the morning after drinkers headed … Read more

Transport for London offer ‘first trip for free’ deal to lure Londoners back into the city centre

Transport bosses are considering offering Londoners a free trip into the capital in an attempt to stimulate the economy. The First Ride Free scheme is being considered by Transport for London (TfL) to let the public see that it is safe to enjoy the centre of the capital. It is deemed the public travel equivalent … Read more

Ancient Romans in Pompeii ‘were happier than Londoners living in 1820’

Romans living in Pompeii in 79AD had more artificial light and were therefore probably happier than London’s residents in the early 19th-century, a study claims.  Both groups lived before the Industrial Revolution, and the only nighttime non-natural light in homes came from candles.  Researchers say access to more artificial light at night would have allowed … Read more

Londoners in 1820 LESS artificial light than people living in Pompeii

Romans living in Pompeii in 79AD had more artificial light and were therefore probably happier than London’s residents in the early 19th-century, a study claims.  Both groups lived before the Industrial Revolution, and the only nighttime non-natural light in homes came from candles.  Researchers say access to more artificial light at night would have allowed … Read more

Sadiq Khan tells Londoners to stay home as map reveals new car free zones in the UK capital

Sadiq Khan has told Londoners to stay at home this weekend despite the easing of lockdown measures across England.   On Saturday morning, the Mayor of London told his one million followers on Twitter that they should ‘play their part’ by staying at home as much as possible. This is the first weekend since Prime Minister … Read more