Thousands of tourists and expats are stranded after country entered two-week lockdown 

Hundreds of thousands of British tourists and expats are stranded in Spain today after the country entered an unprecedented two-week lockdown. Panicked holidaymakers were last night scrambling to escape after the Spanish government declared a state of emergency over coronavirus. The drastic action came as the country’s death toll from the outbreak more than doubled … Read more

Pope Francis walks through Rome’s deserted streets amid coronavirus lockdown

Pope Francis defied Italian government advice to stay indoors and today walked to church through Rome’s deserted streets to pray for the end of coronavirus. The Catholic leader had earlier delivered a blessing from his balcony window above an eerily empty St Peter’s Square, which has been closed to worshippers as part of the country’s … Read more

What will happen to Britain’s zero-hours workforce in a coronavirus lockdown?

Up to two million workers in the UK don’t earn enough to qualify for sick pay and could be left high and dry if coronavirus self-isolation develops into a country-wide lockdown.   Some 300,000 of them are on zero-hours contracts, which are usually given to workers in currently ‘at-risk’ sectors.    Delivery drivers, bar staff, shop workers … Read more

Kate Langbroek shares foreboding photo of officers patrolling Bologna streets amid Italy’s lockdown

Australian radio personality Kate Langbroek has been documenting the stark reality of life in Italy amid the coronavirus crisis.   And on Sunday, Kate shared a foreboding photograph of four officers with ‘Polizia’ branded on their jackets patrolling the locked-down streets of Bologna.  Taking to Instagram, Kate wrote: ‘On patrol,’ sharing a number of hashtags under the snap … Read more

France goes on lockdown with all non-essential public locations to close

France is on lockdown with all non-essential public locations closed as the coronavirus death toll in the country soars to 91. Restaurants, shops, cinemas, nightclubs and cafés will shut for the foreseeable future with French Prime Minister Edouard Philippe calling the virus the ‘biggest health crisis in a century’.  Mr Philippe also called on French people to … Read more

How the world was paralysed in 66 days: Over 153,000 reported infected as the EU goes into lockdown

How the world was paralysed in 66 days: In two months, the killer virus has swept the world at devastating speed with more than 153,000 reported infected as the EU goes into lockdown with France shutting the Eiffel Tower and Spain closing its borders Countries across Europe went into lockdown yesterday in an attempt to … Read more

Italian journalist urges UK and US to lockdown NOW amid coronavirus pandemic

An Italian journalist is warning Britons to ‘stay home’ amid the coronavirus pandemic as one of the country’s top doctors warns Covid-19 is ‘apocalyptic’. The stark pleas to ban mass gatherings, avoid contact with others, and self-isolate in the UK and US come as 60million Italians are forced to endure a lockdown.  Mattia Ferraresi, who … Read more

France goes on lockdown with all non-essential public locations to close TONIGHT

France goes on lockdown with all non-essential public locations to close TONIGHT as coronavirus death toll in the country soars to 91 with French Prime Minister calling it the ‘biggest health crisis in a century’ Restaurants, some shops, cinemas and cafés will shut for the foreseeable future French Prime Minister Edouard Philippe also called on … Read more

Pentagon goes on lockdown and bans all domestic travel for service members

Pentagon goes on lockdown and bans all domestic travel for service members nationwide in bid to protect troops from coronavirus All official and unofficial visits to the Pentagon are suspended from Sunday Sweeping new travel restrictions ban service members from domestic travel Ban includes halt to permanent change of station and temporary duty Troops will … Read more

Coronavirus was able to bypass quarantine lockdown in Wuhan after mutating into second strain

Someone who is infected with the coronavirus can spread it with just a simple cough or a sneeze, scientists say. More than 4,500 people with the virus are now confirmed to have died and more than 125,000 have been infected. Here’s what we know so far: What is the coronavirus?  A coronavirus is a type … Read more