The SAGE files: One in 20 Covid-19 patients is infectious after 14 days, report finds

As many as one in 20 Covid-19 hospital patients remain infectious after two weeks, according to secret advice papers published today.  SAGE scientists warned the Government on May 28 that around 5 per cent of very unwell virus patients, mostly elderly people, can infect others for up to 20 days. They said this poses a … Read more

Coronavirus patients stop being infectious after 11 days of being ill

Coronavirus patients stop being infectious after 11 days even if they still test positive for the disease, study finds Infected person becomes contagious around two days before symptoms show  Then contagious for 7 to 10 days after they start showing signs of the disease  Covid-19 ‘could not be isolated or cultured after day 11’, researchers … Read more

China’s infectious disease expert warns coronavirus will ‘co-exist’ with humans ‘for a long time’

A Chinese expert has warned that the novel coronavirus will stay with human beings for a long time. Prof Feng Lushao, a researcher from the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, told state media that COVID-19 ‘will co-exist with us for a relatively long time in the future’. He called on Chinese people to change … Read more

Coronavirus: Korea CDC says those who recover AREN’T infectious

People who recover from coronavirus and test positive again are NOT contagious: Korean CDC finds ‘re-positive’ patients did not infect any of their 790 contacts The Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention looked at 285 survivors of coronavirus who tested positive after other tests said they were negative Of the 790 people the patients … Read more

People who test positive for coronavirus after recovering are not infectious, study finds

People who recover from coronavirus and test positive again are NOT contagious: Korean CDC finds ‘re-positive’ patients did not infect any of their 790 contacts The Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention looked at 285 survivors of coronavirus who tested positive after other tests said they were negative Of the 790 people the patients … Read more

Mutant strain of coronavirus that may make it more infectious now ‘dominant’

Scientists have discovered a coronavirus mutation that is of ‘urgent concern’ because it makes the virus more contagious and has already become dominant in the places it’s reached – including part of the US.  Researchers at Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico say that the mutant strain started spreading in early February in Europe.  … Read more

Sweden could have ‘herd immunity’ by next month, claims its infectious diseases chief

Parts of Sweden could achieve ‘herd immunity’ as early as next month, the country’s leading epidemiologist has said, as the death toll rises. The Government is holding out against a total lockdown despite growing calls for ‘rapid and radical measures’ to contain the coronavirus outbreak. It has cancelled football games and closed university buildings. Restaurants, … Read more

‘Pandemic drone’ could detect people with infectious symptoms to limit the spread of coronavirus

‘Pandemic drone’ designed to monitor and detect people with infectious conditions could limit the spread of coronavirus in hotspots Drone will be fitted with technology to spot people who may have coronavirus It uses sensors and computer vision to monitor people’s vitals The drone is also able to spot people sneezing and coughing in a … Read more

Infectious disease specialists warn COVID-19 can survive on the soles of shoes for up to five days

Why you need to leave your shoes OUTSIDE your house: Infectious disease specialists warn COVID-19 can survive on soles for up to five days – and reveal how to clean them properly Georgine Nanos is a general practitioner from San Diego, California She said shoes are potential carriers of coronavirus and should be left outside … Read more

Infectious disease expert who predicted the spread of coronavirus says wearing a mask won’t help

Someone who is infected with the coronavirus can spread it with just a simple cough or a sneeze, scientists say. More than 4,000 people with the virus are now confirmed to have died and more than 110,000 have been infected. Here’s what we know so far: What is the coronavirus?  A coronavirus is a type … Read more