Big Brother: Cody makes his first two nominations as Head of Household

Cody Calafiore made his first big moves as the newly-minted Head  of Household on Sunday night’s episode of Big Brother. Calafiore won last week’s challenge earning him Head of Household, and on Sunday, he nominated his first two contestants to be eliminated, Kevin Campbell and Keesha Smith. A brand new feature of the Big Brother … Read more

Coronavirus crisis triggers 4.5% fall in working-age household incomes

Coronavirus crisis triggers 4.5% fall in working-age household incomes – their worst drop since the 70s By Daily Mail City & Finance Reporter Published: 21:51 BST, 20 July 2020 | Updated: 21:54 BST, 20 July 2020 The coronavirus crisis has triggered a 4.5% fall in working-age household incomes Working-age households have suffered the worst income … Read more

Ex-Google executive unveils helper ‘Stretch’ equipped with arm to help with simple household tasks

Ex-Google executive unveils robotic helper ‘Stretch’ equipped with gripper arm to help with simple household tasks Stretch is a robot designed to facilitiate research into household robotics It has a robotic arm and gripper attached to a wheeled platform  It was released by Hello Robot for $17,950 after three years of development   The bot can … Read more

Council in Blackburn limits number of people allowed to visit a household in bid to avoid lockdown

Blackburn could be the next area to be plunged into local lockdown after a spike of coronavirus cases, it has been revealed today. Civic chiefs in the Lancashire town are imposing new restrictions in a bid to prevent such measures as those put in place in Leicester following a Covid-19 outbreak in the Midlands city … Read more

Household Cavalry corporal sues MoD for £700k over eye injury

A Household Cavalry corporal is fighting for a £700,000 payout after claiming his career was wrecked when he was hit in the eye by a rubber bungee while putting up an army tent.  Simon Harley, an NCO in the mounted regiment – which forms part of the Queen’s official bodyguard – says he was erecting … Read more

Bill Gates’ daughter reveals what it was like to grow up in his household

Bill and Melinda Gates’ daughter Jennifer has opened up about what it was like to grow up with her billionaire parents, recalling how the philanthropists would discuss children’s mortality and the HIV/AIDs epidemic at the dinner table.  The 24-year-old competitive equestrian, who is in her second year of medical school at the Icahn School of … Read more

Stormzy reveals he had to wear his sister’s clothes while growing up in cash-strapped household

Stormzy has revealed that he and his brother had to wear their elder sister’s hand-me-downs as youngsters, due to his family being strapped for cash. The grime star, 26, has shared that his mother worked multiple jobs to provide for the family as they lived together in south London, but it could only cover so … Read more

Grandmother Alice Munro wows thousands with her sponge cake that looks just like a household item

A creative grandmother-of-10 has wowed thousands of home bakers after creating optical-illusion ‘sponge’ cakes that look just like a household cleaning item.  Alice Munro, from Tasmania, carefully constructed a vanilla cake to make it look identical to dishwashing sponges – all while ensuring her dessert tasted delicious despite what it may look like. The 52-year-old … Read more

Lockdown has blocked £182 a WEEK of household spending

The lockdown saving scheme: £182 a WEEK of usual household spending on travel, outings, restaurants, bars, holidays, clothes and gym subscriptions has been shut off since March ONS analysed what areas of usual household spending blocked off in lockdown Found £182 per week of average spending won’t have been possible due to rules Travel, restaurants, … Read more

Average UK household has the equivalent of a small car’s worth of plastic at home, study shows 

Average UK household contains a small car’s worth of plastic including food packaging, textiles and white goods — but only four per cent is recycled, study shows Experts from Exeter created a tool to asses the ‘invisible’ plastic in our homes In 2018, the team found that each UK resident had around 1,043 lbs of plastic … Read more