Millions of homes in the UK have slower than the London tube

Millions of homes in the UK have slower broadband than the 20Mbps average available at London Underground stations The Bakerloo line has the fastest wifi as an average across all of its stations Edgware Road is the station with the fastest wifi with speeds up to 50Mbps Over 4.4 million UK homes have broadband speeds … Read more

Married At First Sight: Inside grooms homes across Australia

It’s currently ‘homestay week’ for the grooms on Married At First Sight.  And on Monday night, Michael Goonan, Drew Brauer, Jonethen Musulin and Josh Pihlak gave their ‘wives’ a guided tour of their very different homes. Whereas Michael’s $1.1million mansion in Adelaide left fans in awe, Drew’s teddy bear collection in Cairns caused confusion as … Read more

BrightMove! Colourful ‘Notting Hill’ style homes are worth 20% more than plain properties

Trendy ‘Notting Hill’ style homes on streets with brightly-coloured houses can be worth an average of 20 per cent more than plain properties – but owners might have to put up with social media influencers outside. Colourful homes have seen their prices surge against neighbouring roads, according to new analysis by property experts the HomeOwners Alliance. … Read more

Bomb squad evacuate homes after bungling robbers try to blow-up ATM

Bomb squad evacuate homes after bungling robbers try to blow-up ATM in early hours of morning but explosive fails to go off forcing them to flee empty-handed  Police found parts of an explosive device in the village of Timperley this morning  Officers carried out a controlled explosion at the scene in Greater Manchester  Confirmed they … Read more

One Direction star Harry knocks his two homes through into one £30million mega-mansion 

Doing it in Styles! One Direction star Harry knocks his two homes through into one £30million mega-mansion Former One Direction star has bought neighbouring 18th century London homes The 26-year-old paid £9million for the first and £4million for the second He is understood to have hired Meghan Markle’s interior designer to decorate  By Katie Hind … Read more

Vulnerable people could be confined to their homes NEXT WEEK due to coronavirus

Elderly people could be confined to their homes next week as the government ramps up its response to the coronavirus outbreak.  Ministers are expected to advise people to visit elderly relatives as soon as possible before ‘social distancing’ policies are introduced in which British pensioners could be warned to stay at home and will likely be … Read more

Hopes sinking: Flood-hit families face seeing their homes demolished due to damage

Flood-hit families face seeing their homes demolished due to damage from successive storms as the river levels in East Yorkshire have dipped by only inches in six days – with Britain preparing to take another battering of rain. Kevin Lorryman’s home is just one of dozens in the communities of Snaith and East Cowick which … Read more

London Underground’s hot air is warming more than 1,000 homes in Islington

More than 1,000 homes in north London are being warmed by the hot air produced in the city’s notoriously sweltering underground tunnels.   Enormous fans installed at the site of the abandoned City Road Underground station on the Northern Line are sucking the stuffy air upwards.  A six-story shaft funnels the warm air over pipes and … Read more

Snowstorm freezes homes on Lake Erie

The big freeze! Homes in New York become ‘IGLOOS’ and trap Lake Erie residents inside as snowstorm covers properties in three inches of ice and temperatures plunge to 21 degrees A Lake Erie waterfront neighborhood in Hamburg, New York is completely covered in ice Cold snap and blizzard over the weekend with freezing 21F temperatures … Read more

Homes are almost totally under water as yet another storm batters Britain

Homes have been left almost totally underwater as yet another storm batters Britain – and father-to-be Boris Johnson still hasn’t visited a single victim.   Strong winds of up to 70mph, showers and snow across parts of Scotland and northern England are forecast for Sunday morning, with many areas waking to a frost and ice. There … Read more