PETER HITCHENS: Legalise cannabis? Let’s ask the five victims of a crazed London knifeman first 

If Jason Kakaire had screamed ‘Allahu akbar!’ as he went about his bloody work, you would have heard of him, and he would have been debated in the House of Commons. But because Kakaire’s five cruel and devastating knife attacks in London could not possibly be given any political or religious motive, there is barely a … Read more

PETER HITCHENS: Today, I’m publishing the document that could save us from war

Long ago, a wise teacher told me to remember these words: ‘Truth is the Daughter of Time, not of Authority.’ I had no idea how important they were. Now, after many years of experiencing official dishonesty, they are my motto. One day, a lot of other people, in the media and politics, will accept that … Read more

PETER HITCHENS: How the ultra-left silent revolution took over Britain 

Are you beginning to work out what has happened? Police do nothing while self-righteous ninnies dig up an ancient lawn in a beautiful city.  The same police force close the roads in the name of ‘human rights’, to suit the same arrogant, dogmatic protesters. Not enough? Think this is just an isolated incident? No.  Will … Read more

PETER HITCHENS: The unlikely villain behind all those nannying warnings is finally revealed 

My day is besieged with infuriating health and safety warnings. If I buy coffee at the station it says on the lid that the ‘Contents May be Hot’.  I should jolly well hope so, just as I was rather hoping that the biscuit I have bought ‘may contain nuts’, as its label solemnly informs me. … Read more