Brendan Gleeson stars as Donald Trump while Jeff Daniels plays James Comey in The Comey Rule trailer

The newest full-length trailer for the upcoming Showtime miniseries The Comey Rule was released on Monday. The new trailer gives a fuller view of Brendan Gleeson, 65, who looks just like the 45th president, Donald Trump. The series, which also stars Jeff Daniels, 65, as James Comey, is focused on dual investigations into Russian interference … Read more

How Steve Bannon led 2016 Trump victory but now faces prison

Steve Bannon, who was arrested on a boat in the Long Island Sound on Thursday, helped conceive Donald Trump’s populist campaign message – only to fall out of favor and get indicted for allegedly pocketing thousands of dollars from fervent believers of a border wall. Bannon was a shadowy and influential figure in Trump’s 2016 … Read more

How Steve Bannon led Trump’s stunning 2016 victory and now faces losing his freedom 

Steve Bannon, who was arrested on a boat in the Long Island Sound on Thursday, helped conceive Donald Trump’s populist campaign message – only to fall out of favor and get indicted for allegedly pocketing thousands of dollars from fervent believers of a border wall. Bannon was a shadowy and influential figure in Trump’s 2016 … Read more

Donald Trump launches counter attack on Biden ahead of his big night

President Donald Trump will take his attacks on Joe Biden to his Democratic rival’s backyard on the day Biden formally accepts his party’s nomination to be president. He began his counter-programming punch Thursday morning in a fury of tweets, knocking out retweet after retweet of criticism against Biden, his running mate Kamala Harris and former … Read more

Harris opens third night of Democratic convention that put women first

Greetings America. It is truly an honor to be speaking with you. That I am here tonight is a testament to the dedication of generations before me. Women and men who believed so fiercely in the promise of equality, liberty, and justice for all. This week marks the 100th anniversary of the passage of the … Read more

Hillary Clinton pleads with voters to back Joe Biden – accusing 2016 victor of ‘stealing’ election

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton touted Joe Biden’s candidacy at the Democratic convention as she replayed parts of her own 2016 loss – and urged people to get out and vote so President Donald Trump doesn’t ‘steal’ the election. Speaking from her home in Chappaqua, New York, the former first lady and Democratic presidential nominee … Read more

‘Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to f-things up’ – Obama shares his private doubts on former VP 

Barack Obama is sharing doubts about the ability of his former Vice President Joe Biden to win the 2020 election, according to a new report.    Tensions linger between the camps with the VP determined to prove the naysayers wrong after Obama backed former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton as his successor in 2016, Politico states. While … Read more

Hillary Clinton says the US must ‘be ready’ for the possibility that Trump will not ‘go quietly’

Hillary Clinton has said the United States needs to ‘be ready’ for the possibility that Donald Trump will refuse to leave the White House if he loses in November’s election. Speaking to Trevor Noah on Monday night’s episode of The Daily Show, Clinton said she could not rule out voter suppression and foreign interference in … Read more

Dwayne Wade leads a barrage of celebs including Kate Hudson and Dua Lipa to wish Happy Pride

Andy Cohen called on a cavalcade of celebs to help celebrate Pride month on Watch What Happens Live, including Dwayne Wade, Kate Hudson and Dua Lipa. These celebs and many more shared heartfelt messages to celebrate Pride from home, due to the COVID-19 outbreak on Sunday nigh’ts WWHL (via WWHL YouTube). They were joined by Hillary … Read more

Chinese and Iranian hackers target presidential campaigns for Joe Biden and Donald Trump

Chinese and Iranian hackers target personal email accounts of staffers working on presidential campaigns for Joe Biden and Donald Trump, but Google insists there are ‘no signs of compromise’ Google reported attempted attacks on presidential campaign staffers Hackers from China targets the personal emails of Joe Biden staffers While hackers from Iran went after the emails … Read more