Here’s where you can move to from London if lockdown has made you crave space

Coronavirus, working from home and the threat of flash lockdowns are making people living in London re-evaluate their living arrangements. Research by the London Housing Assembly recently found that almost half of Londoners currently looking to move house want to find a property outside of the capital.  Sacrificing living space for a quicker commute has, … Read more

Here’s proof you don’t have to sacrifice style to stay comfortable on the sofa

Last week, I met with my friend Keri, a terribly cool Vinyasa yoga instructor, and the irony of our outfits couldn’t be ignored. We weren’t off to practise our poses together, we were heading to the park for a stroll, having picked up a cappuccino and takeaway ladies’ lunch from the local posh cafe. Normally, … Read more

Is Japan the land of the rising returns? Here’s what you need to know

With investment guru Warren Buffett taking a stake in its biggest companies, Japan is back in the spotlight. Home to the likes of Sony and Toyota, Japan’s stock market is worth a whopping five trillion dollars – making it the largest outside America. Despite that, the country isn’t particularly popular with Western investors – with … Read more

Being short-changed over university fees? Here’s how to fight back

Students are facing an academic year like no other, with thousands up and down the country already forced to self-isolate.  Packed lecture halls are being replaced by Zoom calls as universities scramble to contain coronavirus cases. And with students paying up to £9,250 a year in tuition fees, universities are bracing themselves for a wave … Read more

I fell in love on my farm work… but here’s the dark side no one tells you about

Pick fruit, find love and get likes on Instagram. That’s the message Deputy Prime Minister Michael McCormack is using to appeal to young Australians, as he tries to fill the looming harvest labour shortage of around 26,000 workers by March. In itself, the message is a pretty cringeworthy attempt to lure young people across the … Read more

Thousands of Ford Focus cars are urgently recalled – here’s what to do if yours is affected 

Thousands of Ford Focus cars are urgently recalled – here’s what to do if yours is affected 2787 Ford Focus vehicles from model year 2019 have been recalled Defective transmission studs could cause the engine to stall Several recalls affecting tens of thousands have hit Ford Australia this year By Alison Bevege For Daily Mail … Read more

Amazon launches all-new spherical Echo Dot – here’s everything you need to know

NEW RELEASE: Amazon launches all-new spherical Echo Dot TODAY – here’s everything you need to know By Emily Knott For Mailonline Published: 10:26 BST, 25 September 2020 | Updated: 10:26 BST, 25 September 2020 Listen up Amazon Alexa smart speaker fans! Amazon has introduced a new member to its Echo family, built with recycled materials and … Read more

Stuck working from home again? Here’s what you can claim back

After six months of working from kitchen tables and makeshift desks, many of us may have seen our outgoings increase. And following Boris Johnson’s announcement yesterday, whereby he suggested the nation work from home where possible, our domestic offices could continue for another six months. Energy bills could soar by nearly 20 per cent this … Read more

Stuck working from home again? Here ‘s what you can claim back

After six months of working from kitchen tables and makeshift desks, many of us may have seen our outgoings increase. And following Boris Johnson’s announcement yesterday, whereby he suggested the nation work from home where possible, our domestic offices could continue for another six months. Energy bills could soar by nearly 20 per cent this … Read more