Ex-FDA commissioner says Americans cannot rely on Europe and China for jab to prevent coronavirus

‘The US needs to win the vaccine race’: Former FDA commissioner says Americans cannot rely on Europe and China for jab to prevent coronavirus Dr Scott Gottlieb was the US Food and Drug Administration commissioner from 2017 to April 2019 In an op-ed for The Wall Street Journal, he says its vital the US manufactures … Read more

Google searches for hydroxychloroquine surged after endorsements from Trump and Elon Musk

Internet searches for two anti-malaria drugs soared after high-profile endorsements from a tech billionaire and the President of the United States as potential treatments for the novel coronavirus, a new study finds. Because there are no treatments approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), people may end up searching for unproven therapies.  Two … Read more

We WILL take action against China and the World Health Organization says Donald Trump

Donald Trump said Wednesday that the U.S. will be taking strong action against China as he ordered investigations into Beijing after claiming they knew about the coronavirus threat earlier than let on and could have done more to stop the pandemic. ‘We’re coming up with a very distinct recommendation. But we’re not happy with it,’ … Read more

FDA may approve emergency use authorization of Ebola drug remdesivir TODAY

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) may announce its decision allowing emergency use authorization of an antiviral drug to treat coronavirus patients as early as Wednesday. It comes after studies showed that remdesivir, made by California-based Gilead Sciences, helped patients go from relying on oxygen to leaving hospital in two weeks, reported The New … Read more

Coronavirus US: Graphs show lockdown may need to last til July

New graphs suggest social distancing measures may need to continue through the summer in many states to prevent a resurgence of the novel coronavirus.   Researchers found that fewer options for control later and a higher likelihood of exceeding hospital capacity would occur if measures were relaxed in May or earlier like many governors have done. … Read more

Eating meat improves mental health, study claims  

Eating meat IMPROVES mental health and one in three vegetarians are depressed, study claims Study found vegetarians are twice as likely to take medication for mental illness   Scientists found vegetarians are nearly three times as likely to consider suicide Researchers reviewed 18 studies involving a total of 160,257 participants  By Joe Pinkstone For Mailonline Published: 17:44 … Read more

More than 50% severe coronavirus patients treated with remdesivir recovered, trial reveals

More than half of severely ill coronavirus patients treated with Ebola drug remdesivir recovered and were discharged from hospital within two weeks, trial results reveal Gilead Sciences treated 200 severely ill coronavirus patients with its Ebola antiviral remdesivir  Regardless of whether they were treated for five or 10 days, more than half of the patients … Read more

Health Secretary Matt Hancock does not know how many contact tracers have already been hired

Health Secretary Matt Hancock admits Britain may not hire its army of 18,000 contact tracers until mid-May Ministers last week announced a three-step plan to ease UK out of lockdown It included recruiting 18,000 contact tracers to ramp up a surveillance scheme Mr Hancock last night said he did not expect to have that many … Read more

Yale researchers lunch trial on asthma drug to test if it could treat coronavirus patients

A clinical trial is being launched to test an asthma drug’s effectiveness in treating deadly conditions caused by the novel coronavirus. The drug, called ibudilast – which has been approved to treat asthma in Japan and South Korea – has shown promise in improving lung health in mouse models. The team, from Yale University’s New Haven … Read more

Doctors group claims that hydroxychloroquine helps 91% of coronavirus patients

The malaria drug hydroxychloroquine has improved the survival and recovery odds for about 90 percent of patients treated with the controversial medication, a physicians group claims.  The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS) presented data on 2,333 patients treated with hydroxychloroquine – including two supervised by Dr Oz – across the globe that shows … Read more