Emmanuel Macron and his wife watch scaled-down Bastille Day celebrations

Emmanuel and Brigitte Macron oversaw slimmed-down Bastille Day celebrations in Paris today as France marked its most important national day in unusual fashion.  An hour-long military parade took place in Place de la Concorde, the city’s largest square, as opposed to the Champs Elysees – the first time since 1945 that the street has not … Read more

Emmanuel Macron wears mask but his wife Brigitte opts out

Emmanuel Macron’s wife Brigitte looks chic in a cobalt blue shift dress but refrains from wearing a mask as she watches the French president deliver a speech to armed forces in Paris on the eve of France’s Bastille Day Emmanuel Macron, 42, was accompanied by Brigitte, 67, for Monday night event The French President donned … Read more

French PM Edouard Philippe resigns as Emmanuel Macron prepares reshuffle

French PM Edouard Philippe resigns and is replaced by official overseeing France’s lockdown exit strategy after Emmanuel Macron said he needed to ‘reinvent’ his presidency Emmanuel Macron has said he wants to ‘reinvent presidency’ in the next months  Will start with a cabinet reshuffle following local election defeat last month Prime Minister Edouard Philippe resigned … Read more

Angela Merkel gives Emmanuel Macron the red carpet treatment – from six feet away

France and Germany aren’t quite as close as they used to be! Angela Merkel gives Emmanuel Macron the red carpet treatment – from six feet away German Chancellor Merkel and French President met at Meseberg Castle today Pair seemed at ease as they kept two-metres apart amid the coronavirus crisis  Talks came ahead of Germany … Read more

Green wave batters Emmanuel Macron in local elections as his centrist party suffers humiliating loss

Green wave batters Emmanuel Macron in local elections as his centrist party suffers humiliating loss to socialist alliance with eco warriors Alliance between eco candidates and left-wingers proved dominant tonight Among them was Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo who won another six year term  Macron’s candidate for the mayoralty had just a 16 percent share of … Read more

Emmanuel Macron to visit London on de Gaulle speech anniversary

Sir Winston Churchill’s statue will be freed from its protective box by Thursday in time for French President Emmanuel Macron’s visit to bestow the Legion of Honour on London.  Macron’s visit will also mark 80 years since exiled wartime resistance leader Charles de Gaulle called on France to resist the Nazis from the BBC studios.   … Read more

France to reopen for business as Emmanuel Macron declares ‘first victory’ over Covid-19

France will reopen for business on Monday after President Emmanuel Macron announced a ‘first victory’ against coronavirus. In an upbeat live TV address on Sunday night, the head of state said virtually all lockdown restrictions for bars, restaurants and cafes would end at the start of this coming week. Schools, colleges and nurseries will then … Read more

Britain’s youngest Covid-19 survivor: Parents’ joy as Emmanuel wins a 47-day fight with the virus

Britain’s youngest Covid-19 survivor: Parents’ joy as three-months premature Emmanuel wins a 47-day fight with the virus before he was even due to be born Three-month-old Emmanuel Boateng is believed to be UK’s youngest survivor He spent nearly two months in hospital on a ventilator to help him breathe  Emmanuel was born at just 27 weeks and taken to … Read more

Boris Johnson and Emmanuel Macron’s WhatsApp messages on quarantine-free travel blindsided officials

Boris Johnson and Emmanuel Macron spent a weekend exchanging WhatsApp messages about quarantine-free travel between Britain and France – blindsiding officials on both sides of the Channel Boris Johnson uses WhatsApp to regularly converse with Emmanuel Macron  The two world leaders were in touch throughout last weekend on messaging app PM announced travellers from France would … Read more

French President Emmanuel Macron ‘wants Europe’s other top-flight leagues to end 2019-20 season now’

2020 OLYMPIC GAMES   The 2020 Olympic Games has been postponed until 2021 on March 24 – becoming one of the last major sporting events this summer to fall victim to the coronavirus. Japanese prime minister Shinzo Abe held a crucial conference call with Olympics chief Thomas Bach on Tuesday to formally decide a plan and … Read more