JK Rowling reveals she did NOT start writing Harry Potter at the Elephant House café in Edinburgh

JK Rowling has revealed that she had already started writing Harry Potter before she started visiting the Edinburgh café that claims to be ‘birthplace’ of the book series.  The Elephant House café is widely regarded as the place where the author, 54, penned the first of the seven hit fantasy novels before it was published by Bloomsbury … Read more

Skeleton of a 300,000-year-old elephant with 8ft tusks is unearthed in Germany

An almost complete 300,000-year-old elephant skeleton with eight-foot tusks has been recovered from a former mine in Germany. The Eurasian straight-tusked elephant, Palaeoloxodon antiquus, died by the shores of an ancient lake before its corpse was scavenged by carnivores. Human ancestors are thought to have eaten from the carcass, as 30 small flint flakes and … Read more

Merry the elephant! Eating fermented fruit gets elephant’s DRUNK

Merry the elephant! Eating fermented fruit gets elephants DRUNK – but tiny shrews and koalas can hold their alcohol, study finds Canadian scientists discovered elephant’s lack genetic mutation called A294 V This is present in humans and other species and allows for processing of alcohol Ends a long-standing debate as to whether elephants get drunk on … Read more

JAN MOIR view from the sofa on Meghan’s Elephant Good Morning America appearance

They move slowly across the landscape, lumbering and flat footed, but tenacious.  Their primordial mission is to safeguard the past, then furnish and burnish the future anew. Look at them! Their heads are huge and their brains are perhaps not so huge – but their path is straight and true.  They trudge onwards through the … Read more

Air Force ends its presence of US bombers in Guam just days after they performed an elephant walk

The United States Air Force has stopped its uninterrupted rotation of bombers in Guam, ending a more than 15-year presence in the area.  Five B-52H Stratofortresses left the Andersen Air Force Base on Wednesday, just days after the aircrafts participated in a military might ‘elephant walk’ exercise aimed at China.   The planes’ flights were first … Read more

Sumatran elephant found with trunk hacked off and face mutilated after straying from enclosure 

Critically endangered Sumatran elephant is found with its trunk hacked off and its face mutilated after straying from its enclosure The elephant was found on Wednesday afternoon on the Indonesian island of Sumatra It lived in the southeast Tesso elephant area of Riau’s Tesso Nilo National Park Riau’s Natural Resources Conservation Agency are investigating  By … Read more

Mutant piglet is born with perfectly smooth skin and a trunk like an elephant

Mutant piglet is born with perfectly smooth skin and a trunk like an elephant The piglet was born on the 19 March and was the odd-one-out in its litter A video, captured by a farm resident, shows its unusual trunk and smooth skin The farm is situated in China’s south-western Guizhou Province Officials will examine … Read more

Mother hippo lunges at an elephant to stop it from trampling her baby in Namibia 

Save me, mum! Clash of the titans as mother hippo lunges at an elephant to stop it from trampling her baby in Namibia Photographer Quintus Strauss stumbled across the face off on safari in Namibia  He said he thinks the hippo cow managed to bite the elephant on the trunk   Elephant can be seen almost … Read more

Baby elephant is eaten alive by a pack of hyenas as its helpless mother watches

A baby elephant was eaten alive by a pack of savage hyenas as its helpless mother watched after they both became stuck in a mud pit on the plains of Zimbabwe. The hyenas tore off the baby’s leg as they attacked it overnight while the mother desperately threw mud over her head in an attempt … Read more