White House releases 46-minute ‘address’ by Donald Trump complaining about losing the election

President Donald Trump released a bizarre 46-minute video that he posted on Facebook where he called for the election to be ‘overturned’ and admitted his remarks would be ‘disparaged.’ Rather than pick any number of venues where he might deliver important remarks before an audience or with reporters present who might ask questions, Trump spoke … Read more

Bill Barr: Not enough voting fraud evidence to alter election result

Attorney General William Barr said Tuesday the Justice Department has not uncovered evidence of widespread voter fraud that would change the outcome of the 2020 presidential election. His comments come despite President Donald Trump’s repeated claims that the election was stolen, and his refusal to concede his loss to President-Elect Joe Biden. In an interview … Read more

Israel faces FOURTH election in two years as Benny Gantz says party will vote to collapse parliament

Israel faces FOURTH general election in two years as Benny Gantz says his power-sharing Blue & White party will vote tomorrow to collapse the current parliament Israel’s Alternate PM Benny Gantz says his party will vote to dissolve parliament Blue and White party currently in coalition with PM Benjamin Netanyahu’s Likud Comes after three bitterly-fought elections between … Read more

Trump has raised $170 million since Election Day with appeal for his ‘defense fund’

President Donald Trump’s constant appeals for funds to help his ‘defense fund’ amid his own charges of fraud have raked in millions that can be used to fund future political activities or boost political candidates he favors. In fact, according to the fine print in the drumbeat of solicitations, three quarters of every contribution goes … Read more

US Election 2020: Arizona certifies results despite Giuliani claims

Arizona certifies presidential election results despite Giuliani telling lawmakers that votes were manipulated in a conspiracy involving Cuba, Venezuela, and ‘crooked’ Democrats Trump lawyers Rudy Giuliani and Jenna Ellis appeared at a hearing-style event in Arizona Monday State officials certified the results for Biden during their presentation Giuliani compared the election fight to the McCarthy … Read more

Arizona certifies presidential election results despite Giuliani touting conspiracy

Arizona certifies presidential election results despite Giuliani telling lawmakers that votes were manipulated in a conspiracy involving Cuba, Venezuela, and ‘crooked’ Democrats Trump lawyers Rudy Giuliani and Jenna Ellis appeared at a hearing-style event in Arizona Monday State officials certified the results for Biden during their presentation Giuliani compared the election fight to the McCarthy … Read more

US Election 2020: Donald Trump says fraud fight not for own benefit

Georgia’s Republican Gov. Brian Kemp hit back at President Donald Trump Monday after the president called him ‘hapless’ and demanded he use ’emergency powers’ to stop the state’s certified election results from going forward. Kemp, who Trump said Sunday he was ‘ashamed’ of having endorsed just two years ago, hit back in a statement that … Read more

Brazil’s President Jair Bolsonaro says there was ‘a lot of fraud’ in the US election

Brazil’s ‘Trump of the Tropics’ President Jair Bolsonaro claims there was ‘a lot of fraud’ in the US election and will ‘wait a little longer’ before recognizing Biden’s win Bolsonaro suggested to reporters that there are questions looming over the vote ‘I have my sources of information… there really was a lot of fraud there,’ … Read more

Donald Trump ‘was like Mad King George following election defeat muttering “I won, I won, I won”‘

Donald Trump was said to have been ‘like Mad King George’ following his election defeat, muttering ‘I won, I won, I won’, according to one close adviser.  The president then turned to loyalists like Rudy Giuliani and Sidney Powell who were ‘willing to tell him what he wanted to hear’, The Washington Post reports.  Both … Read more

Trump gives first interview since election loss to accuse his own FBI and DOJ of ‘helping rig vote’

Donald Trump, in a rambling interview Sunday morning, accused his FBI and Department of Justices of conspiring to ‘rig’ the election for Joe Biden. ‘This is total fraud and how – the FBI and Department of Justice, I don’t know, maybe they’re involved – but how people are allowed to get away from this with … Read more