Humans develop motor skills later than other primates, study shows

Humans develop fine motor skills later than other primates because we have bigger brains that take longer to develop, biologists in Switzerland reveal.   Although ‘a big brain equals great dexterity’, humans have to wait relatively longer to develop full dexterity, allowing us to tie shoelaces, hold a pen or use cutlery.    Researchers at the University … Read more

More than 90% of coronavirus patients DO develop antibodies to the virus, study finds 

More than 90% of coronavirus patients DO develop antibodies to the virus that last for at least three months, study finds Researchers at Mount Sinai Health System looked at more than 19,000 patients in New York who had previously contracted coronavirus  At least 92% were found to moderate to high levels of antibodies that attach … Read more

Seniors who identify smells ‘half as likely to develop dementia’

Pensioners who can identify distinctive smells like roses, lemons, turpentine and paint-thinner are half as likely to develop dementia, a study has revealed.  In a study of nearly 1,800 participants tracked for a decade, US scientists found that a decline in the ability to smell was an early indicator of the syndrome.  A keen sense of … Read more

Seniors who identify distinctive smells ‘are half as likely to develop dementia’

Pensioners who can identify distinctive smells like roses, lemons, turpentine and paint-thinner are half as likely to develop dementia, a study has revealed.  In a study of nearly 1,800 participants tracked for a decade, US scientists found that a decline in the ability to smell was an early indicator of the syndrome.  A keen sense of … Read more

Water-repellent surfaces that mimic insects’ wings could be used to develop PPE

Water-repellent surfaces that mimic insects’ wings could be used to develop PPE that is resistant to coronavirus-laden saliva droplets Analysis of insect structures reveals a previously undiscovered nanostructure  Scientists hope this could be used to create water repellent coatings  Would be useful in developing PPE which is impervious to saliva droplets    By Joe Pinkstone For Mailonline … Read more

Coronavirus UK: Herd immunity could develop from 10% infected

Herd immunity against Covid-19 could develop if just 10 per cent of the population catches the disease, a study has claimed. Scientists say if a vaccine was developed it would need 60-70 per cent coverage to work — but this threshold could be significantly lower for natural immunity.  The concept of herd immunity hinges on … Read more

Japanese engineers develop plan to clean up space junk with a laser-pulsing satellite

There are an estimated 170 million pieces of so-called ‘space junk’ – left behind after missions that can be as big as spent rocket stages or as small as paint flakes – in orbit alongside some US$700 billion (£555bn) of space infrastructure. But only 22,000 are tracked, and with the fragments able to travel at … Read more

Herd immunity could develop from just 43% of people catching Covid-19, scientists claim

National herd immunity to the coronavirus could build up with just four out of 10 people catching the disease, scientists claim. Researchers say that immunity among the most socially active people in a country could protect those who come into contact with fewer others. Previous estimates have suggested around two thirds (60 per cent) of … Read more

Scientists develop an eye scanner that can detect and track biological ageing in humans

No use hiding your age: Scientists develop an eye scanner that can detect and track biological ageing in humans for the first time by analysing proteins in their lenses The team created an eye scanner that can tell someone’s ‘real’ or biological age  There is no universal method for tracking a person’s biological age, authors … Read more

Professor says only 10% of people with coronavirus develop antibodies

Only 10 per cent of people who are infected with the coronavirus develop antibodies, a professor claims.   Professor Karol Sikora, an advisor to the World Health Organisation, said the majority would have a negative result on an antibody test, even though they have had the coronavirus.  Governments have pinned their hopes on antibody testing to … Read more