Australia’s SAS chief admits his forces committed war crimes in Afghanistan

Australian Special Operations Commander Major-General Adam Findlay admitted that SAS soldiers did commit war crimes in Afghanistan Australia’s special forces chief has admitted that SAS soldiers did commit war crimes in Afghanistan. Australian Special Operations Commander Major-General Adam Findlay told SAS soldiers at Perth’s Campbell Barracks that ‘there are guys who criminally did something’ and ‘poor leadership’ is … Read more

Amazo launches Counterfeit Crimes Unit in a bid to stop bootleggers from hawking knockoffs

Amazon launches a new Counterfeit Crimes Unit in a bid to stop bootleggers from hawking knockoffs on its platform Amazon’s Counterfeit Crimes Unit will fight the sale of bootleg products It consists of lawyers, data scientists, and investigators The division will focus on civil lawsuits and helping law enforcement as well as conducting its own … Read more

No more British troops will be prosecuted over alleged war crimes in Afghanistan

No more British troops will be prosecuted over alleged war crimes in Afghanistan, Veteran’s minister Johnny Mercer says Inquiry by Royal Military Police found no evidence with which to bring charges At peak, investigation looked into 675 criminal allegations from 159 people Comes as UK government proposes laws to protect soldiers from prosecution  By Luke … Read more

‘We WERE complicit in Nazi crimes’, German branch of Catholic Church admits in ‘confession of guilt’

The Catholic Church in Germany has admitted making itself ‘complicit in the war’ by not opposing the Nazi regime, a new report reveals. For decades the Catholic Church has been accused of staying silent over the crimes of the Nazis and even acting to ‘bolster’ the Third Reich. In response, the Church has long defended World … Read more

Saudi Arabia ends death penalty for crimes committed by minors after abolishing flogging 

Saudi Arabia ends death penalty for crimes committed by minors after ‘effectively’ abolishing flogging Death penalty eliminated for those convicted of crimes while they were minors Saudi Arabia executed at least 187 people in 2019, according to official data Two were teenagers Abdulkareem al-Hawaj and Mujtaba al-Sweikat  Reform comes just days after the kingdom effectively … Read more

Germany: Syrian ex-secret police go on trial for war crimes

Women were raped and male prisoners tortured and murdered in Syrian prison, German court hears, as trial begins of two ‘ex-intelligence officers’ accused of crimes against humanity Anwar Raslan, 57, is accused of being in charge of the facility near Damascus Eyad Al-Gharib ‘roamed Syria for protesters and took them back to the centre’ The … Read more

Prosecutors told to caution suspects in less serious crimes during coronavirus pandemic

Prosecutors are being asked to caution crime suspects instead of bringing charges to limit the number of cases coming to court during the coronavirus outbreak. The latest guidance from the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) tells prosecutors in England and Wales to prioritise the most serious criminal cases amid the crisis.  But with ‘less serious’ crimes, … Read more

UK has waived diplomatic immunity for 13 Brits accused of crimes in the US since 1999

The Foreign Office has waived diplomatic immunity for 13 British citizens accused of crimes in the US since 1999 – despite Washington refusing to extradite ex-CIA spy Anna Sacoolas for hitting and killing Harry Dunn The Foreign Office has waived the immunity of Brits accused of crimes as a goodwill gesture to the United States … Read more

Fury as police stop solving crimes due to staff sicknes

Police are planning to cut arrests and ignore crimes as the coronavirus tightens its grip on Britain yet officers have been warning shopkeepers not to sell Easter eggs as ‘overzealous’ enforcement during the lockdown continues, it was revealed today. Officers in several parts of the country have shocked retailers by trying to stop them from selling … Read more

Police chief warns that crimes will have to be ignored to enforce draconian coronavirus lockdown

Police officers will have to ignore some crime in order to tackle Britain’s coronavirus lockdown, Boris Johnson was warned today as officers warned that under-staffed forces will struggle to enforce draconian new movement rules. Police Federation of England and Wales chairman John Apter said officers would have to make touch decisions about law and order … Read more