NHS could take over social care and get an extra £22billion currently given to councils

The NHS could take over the responsibility of social care and get an extra £22billion in funding, it was claimed today.  The controversial move — which would take power away from councils in England — would see the health service’s budget skyrocket to £150bn.  David Cameron’s former policy chief Camilla Cavendish has been hired by … Read more

Campaign group says councils could face legal action for closing roads

Councils who have – or plan to – narrow or close roads to motorists to allow for more cycle lanes and car-free zones could face legal action, says a campaign group. The Alliance of British Drivers claims it is in consultation with lawyers regarding the legality of authorities shutting roads, widening cycle lanes and extending … Read more

Speed cameras being used by police and councils in ‘good hunting grounds’, watchdog report reveals

Speed cameras are being used by police and councils in ‘good hunting grounds’ to fine drivers and make money rather then preventing accidents, watchdog report reveals Claim was made in a report by inspectorate of police and fire services in the UK It shows speeding fines handed out grown by 41 per cent between 2011 … Read more

Councils prepare massive cuts in jobs and services

Councils in England are preparing to make significant cuts in jobs and services after losing income on investments in airports, cinemas and offices amid the coronavirus pandemic. Data from the Institute for Fiscal Studies suggests more than 30 local authorities now obtain around a quarter of their annual income from commercial investments, many of which have … Read more

Councils left with a financial black hole in lost parking charges during pandemic

Councils face ‘economic shock’ after losing MILLIONS of pounds in parking fees and charges during coronavirus, figures show Councils across England are in for an ‘economic shock’ from lost parking income Motorists have been allowed to park for free in town centres during lockdown Authorities are now considering reintroducing charges, though fear it could damage … Read more

Gavin Williamson warns councils and unions not to block the return of pupils

Gavin Williamson yesterday warned councils, parents and teaching unions not to block the return to school. The Education Secretary insisted youngsters must have full-time education in England from September. He signalled a clampdown on councils and schools that refuse to welcome all year groups back, with parents facing fines for children’s non-attendance. The hardline stance … Read more

Councils warn of £10billion cash black hole as Robert Jenrick pumps an extra £500m into authorities

Councils warn of £10billion cash black hole as Robert Jenrick pumps an extra £500million into struggling English local authorities – less than £1.5million each – amid bankruptcy fears Local Government Secretary said cash would go towards covering lost income  It is part of £4.3billion package of support put in place by the Government so far … Read more

Leaders of councils threatened by Leicester-style lockdowns reject the idea

Council leaders in areas threatened by Leicester-style lockdowns have rejected the idea – while claiming figures released by the Government detailing the highest coronavirus infection rates are out-of-date. Bradford, Barnsley and Rochdale were identified as three of the areas of England most at risk of being hit by a ‘local lockdown’ like the one imposed … Read more

Councils ordered to REOPEN public toilets after they were closed for lockdown 

That’s a relief! Councils are ordered to REOPEN public toilets for shoppers and parkgoers after they were closed for lockdown The Government has encouraged councils to reopen their public toilets Non-essential shops are set to reopen tomorrow after being closed in lockdown  The Chancellor said a review into the two-metre rule has been ordered by … Read more

Now 130 Labour councils draw up hit-list of statues with colonial ties

Labour councils are bending to the demands of Black Lives Matter protesters by drawing up a list of controversial statues in their communities which could be ripped down. Dozens of memorials honouring colonial figures have been targeted for removal by activists, who yesterday crossed another name off their nationwide hit-list. The monument of 18th Century … Read more