Sajid Javid reveals his plans to reduce income tax basic rate by 2p in the next Budget

Sajid Javid reveals his plans to reduce income tax basic rate by 2p in the next Budget as well as cuts to stamp duty and relief for capital investment Sajid Javid said he planned a tax cutting plan which included a stamp duty cut  The former chancellor resigned during the cabinet reshuffle earlier this month  … Read more

Inheritance tax ‘loophole’ could be closed in Chancellor Rishi Sunak’s Budget 

Inheritance tax ‘loophole’ that allows wealthy families to avoid levy by investing in farmland could be closed in Chancellor Rishi Sunak’s Budget Currently people can invest in assets and their children don’t pay inheritance tax The rules exist to allow family-owned businesses or farms to be passed on However, some critics say this is simply … Read more

Tory MPs warn they could sabotage the Budget if Chancellor Rishi Sunak raises fuel duty

Tory MPs warn they could sabotage the Budget if Chancellor Rishi Sunak raises fuel duty Conservative MPs warned Chancellor Rishi Sunak against fuel duty increases  Fuel duty has been kept at 57.95p per litre for petrol and diesel since 2011 Mr Sunak is understood to be considering ending the nine-year-long freeze  By Daily Mail Reporter … Read more

Boris Johnson will spend more than Tony Blair if Chancellor’s Budget pushes figure above £1trillion

Boris Johnson will spend more than Tony Blair if Chancellor Rishi Sunak’s Budget pushes figure above £1trillion, analysis shows Boris Johnson will splurge more than Tony Blair did during his decade in power Government expenditure set to rise to 40 per cent of gross domestic product Increase would lift annual expenditure above £1trillion within four … Read more

Chancellor Rishi Sunak ‘SCRAPS plan to slash pension tax relief in next month’s Budget’

Chancellor Rishi Sunak ‘SCRAPS plan to slash pension tax relief in next month’s Budget’ after backlash from Tory MPs The proposal to cut pension tax relief from 40 to 20 per cent had been mooted  MPs have signalled they will not swallow such swingeing pension tax relief cuts  David Davis branded the proposals an ‘economic … Read more

David Davis warns slashing pension tax relief at the Budget would be a ‘moral disgrace’

David Davis warns slashing pension tax relief would be a ‘moral disgrace’ as Boris Johnson faces growing pressure to axe plan from Budget Treasury is thought to be planning to cut pensions tax relief to 20 per cent for all Move would hit savers hard and Boris Johnson urged not to go ahead with it … Read more

EU in spending row after Britain leaves £62bn hole in budget

Meanwhile in Brussels… EU budget talks end WITHOUT an agreement as Austria, Denmark, the Netherlands and Sweden REFUSE to pay more to plug the 75bn euro hole left by Brexit and increase spending on climate change The 27 EU countries didn’t agree on the size of bloc’s budget or how to spend it Chancellor Angela … Read more

Tory MPs threaten to rebel if fuel duty is raised in the Budget

Tory MPs have vowed to battle any move to increase fuel duty for 37 million hard-pressed motorists in next month’s Budget. Reports suggested new Chancellor Rishi Sunak might contemplate a 2p per litre rise in line with inflation, the first increase in a decade.  The move, said to have originated with No 10 chief aide … Read more