Trump brags about ratings for his coronavirus briefings and claims 96% approval from GOP

President Donald Trump boasted the high ratings for his White House coronavirus briefings, which reports revealed earlier this year are more viewed than major network television specials – but insisted he doesn’t care. ‘I’ve had great ‘ratings’ my whole life, there’s nothing unusual about that for me,’ Trump touted in a tweet Tuesday morning. ‘The … Read more

Fauci calls Trump’s coronavirus briefings ‘draining’ and says lockdowns won’t be lifted by May 1

Dr Anthony Fauci admitted that he finds President Donald Trump’s daily coronavirus briefings ‘really draining’ as he put a damper on ‘overly optimistic’ White House projections for when the lockdowns could be lifted.  Fauci has become one of the most prominent voices on the White House coronavirus task force, appearing alongside Trump almost every day … Read more

DAVID BLUNKETT slams government coronavirus briefings for ‘offering scant new information’

We all understand why the Government’s daily briefings are necessary – both to give the latest news and to reinforce key public safety messages.  However, I am beginning to feel their purpose has got lost.  They are becoming little more than a daily Sermon on the Mount, offering scant new information and, worse, often delivering … Read more

Ex-Home secretary David Blunkett blasts ‘Sermon on the Mount’ daily briefings

Ex-Home secretary David Blunkett blasts ‘Sermon on the Mount’ daily coronavirus briefings by ministers The Labour life peer made the comments in interview on the Today programme  He said that people are now being ‘hectored’ during the coronavirus pandemic In the interview he also discussed the police reaction to the lockdown in place  Learn more … Read more

Republican allies of Donald Trump say his daily briefings are hurting him

Republican allies of Donald Trump say his daily briefings are hurting him and urge the president to let medical experts take the stage President Trump is hurting his image at daily press briefings, Republicans say They have urged him to let medical experts take the stage to give Covid updates  Senator Lindsey Graham said Trump … Read more

Senators slam US health officials over ‘top secret’ coronavirus briefings

US health officials have been conducting secret meetings with lawmakers, senators revealed at a Tuesday Appropriations Subcommittee meeting.  Senator Jeanne Shaheen of New Hampshire criticized the secrecy of a briefing that had taken place earlier that morning, and said that her constituents were ‘concerned’ that they weren’t getting all the information that they needed about … Read more

Priti Patel allies rage at ‘sexist and spiteful’ Home Office briefings

Priti Patel’s allies launched a furious counter-offensive against a wave of hostile briefing today – saying she is a victim of sexism and ‘spite’. The Home Secretary is understood to be ‘livid’ at reports security chiefs do not trust her with some intelligence, and that she has created an ‘atmosphere of fear’ among officials. A … Read more