SIMON WALTERS: If Jeremy Corbyn can visit the flood victims, then why can’t Boris Johnson? 

I know what it is like to have a party leader visit your house in a flood. Six years ago this month, I had spent a tidy sum doing up my dad’s modest house in Wraysbury, Berkshire, after he died, and I was about to sell it. Then I switched on the TV one morning and … Read more

BBC legend rips apart Boris Johnson as David Dimbleby blasts the Prime Minister amid TV licence row

David Dimbleby has launched a savage attack on ‘lying’ Boris Johnson’s ‘pernicious’ attempt to curb the BBC licence fee. The veteran broadcaster accused the Prime Minister of using the issue to undermine the corporation and avoid having his policies scrutinised. He said Mr Johnson ‘doesn’t give a damn’ about fairness because his landslide election victory … Read more

I yelled to the Prime Minister: ‘Boris! You can come out of the fridge now!’

WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 1 New year, new decade, new start… or perhaps not. My only plan for 2020 is to sit back and laugh as friends make an attention-seeking, virtue-signalling fool of themselves doing #DryJanuary or even worse, #Veganuary. As Oscar Wilde put it: ‘Good resolutions are simply cheques that men draw on a bank where … Read more

Flood-hit families demand action from Boris Johnson

Families devastated by flooding today demanded action from Prime Minister Boris Johnson as he enjoys a grace and favour break with his girlfriend in Kent. Up to 1,500 homes have been flooded and thousands more evacuated across Britain following Storm Dennis which brought torrential rain and 90mph winds. But Mr Johnson has chosen to remain … Read more

House prices surging all over Britain as the ‘Boris bounce’ boosts EVERY region

House prices have risen in every UK region for the first time in almost two years thanks to the ‘Boris bounce’. The value of the average home jumped by 2.2 per cent – or £5,013 – to £234,734 in the year to the end of December. But for the first time since February 2018, prices … Read more

Priti Patel calls rapper Dave’s claim at Brit awards that Boris Johnson is racist ‘utter nonsense’ 

Priti Patel has branded rapper Dave’s claims that Prime Minister Boris Johnson is a ‘real racist’ as ‘utter nonsense’ and ‘highly inappropriate’.  The Home Secretary, today appearing on Sky News and BBC Breakfast to promote the Government’s radical immigration-system overhaul, said that Mr Johnson was ‘absolutely not a racist’ and disagreed with Dave’s ‘generalisation’. Her … Read more