Princess Anne’s gun dog trainer ‘shot his estranged wife dead at Boris Johnson’s family estate’

A dog trainer who once worked for Princess Anne is suspected of murdering his wife at the cottage where Boris Johnson grew up. John Zurick, 67, allegedly shot his estranged wife Debbie, 56, after he discovered she had a new boyfriend. He then turned the shotgun on himself, friends said yesterday. Paramedics were called to … Read more

Legs-it! Boris Johnson’s EU socks run away from him as Brexit is lampooned at annual German carnival

Legs-it! Boris Johnson’s EU socks run away from him as Brexit is lampooned alongside Donald Trump, Facebook and other famous faces at annual German carnival The annual Rose Monday carnival parade in Dusseldorf, Germany, attracted thousands of spectators   The satirical floats are designed each year by Jacques Tilly and are kept a secret until the … Read more

Lords bid to derail Boris Johnson’s ‘delusional’ law to block early release for terrorists

Lords mount last-ditch bid to derail Boris Johnson’s ‘delusional’ law to block terrorists from being freed early saying the Government must also increase funding for deradicalisation in prisons if it is to work Terrorist Offenders (Restriction of Early Release) Bill in Lords today Will stop automatic release of prisoners after serving half their sentence  But … Read more

France accuses Boris Johnson of trying to BLACKMAIL EU

France accuses Boris Johnson of trying to BLACKMAIL the EU into a bad trade deal by setting hard December deadline as post-Brexit wrangling ramps up French minister for Europe warned that France will not bow to UK’s ‘blackmail’ Amelie de Montchalin said setting hard deadline of December would not work Both sides are due to … Read more

France accuses Boris Johnson of trying to BLACKMAIL the EU over trade

France accuses Boris Johnson of trying to BLACKMAIL the EU into a bad trade deal by setting hard December deadline as post-Brexit wrangling ramps up French minister for Europe warned that France will not bow to UK’s ‘blackmail’ Amelie de Montchalin said setting hard deadline of December would not work Both sides are due to … Read more

Boris Johnson will spend more than Tony Blair if Chancellor’s Budget pushes figure above £1trillion

Boris Johnson will spend more than Tony Blair if Chancellor Rishi Sunak’s Budget pushes figure above £1trillion, analysis shows Boris Johnson will splurge more than Tony Blair did during his decade in power Government expenditure set to rise to 40 per cent of gross domestic product Increase would lift annual expenditure above £1trillion within four … Read more

Chancellor Rishi Sunak ‘SCRAPS plan to slash pension tax relief in next month’s Budget’

Chancellor Rishi Sunak ‘SCRAPS plan to slash pension tax relief in next month’s Budget’ after backlash from Tory MPs The proposal to cut pension tax relief from 40 to 20 per cent had been mooted  MPs have signalled they will not swallow such swingeing pension tax relief cuts  David Davis branded the proposals an ‘economic … Read more

David Davis says Huawei could devastate security co-operation with US

‘We are handing the keys to large parts of the country over to China’: David Davis says Huawei could devastate security co-operation with US and be worst decision by a British PM Pressure is growing on the Prime Minister to reverse decision to enlist Huawei David Davis, the former Brexit secretary, today urged Number 10 … Read more

David Davis warns slashing pension tax relief at the Budget would be a ‘moral disgrace’

David Davis warns slashing pension tax relief would be a ‘moral disgrace’ as Boris Johnson faces growing pressure to axe plan from Budget Treasury is thought to be planning to cut pensions tax relief to 20 per cent for all Move would hit savers hard and Boris Johnson urged not to go ahead with it … Read more

Boris Johnson’s aides told to keep briefing memos for PM to two pages or less

Boris Johnson’s aides told to keep briefing memos to two pages or less ‘otherwise the PM won’t read them’ Aides to PM have apparently been told to keep memos for Boris Johnson short All briefing memos must be ‘no more than four pages’ but two pages ‘preferable’ Dominic Cummings blocks long briefings from going in … Read more