Joe Biden wins Florida and Illinois over Bernie Sanders

Joe Biden easily won Florida and Illinois over Bernie Sanders on Tuesday, further cementing his position of probable 2020 Democratic nominee over the democratic socialist.  Biden used a webcam speech to thank supporters – and reach out to Sanders’ voters telling them ‘I hear you,’ in yet another attempt to unify the Democratic Party as … Read more

Joe Biden guarantees a WOMAN will be his running mate

Joe Biden guarantees a WOMAN will be his running mate firing the starting gun on race to join his ticket Biden said unequivocally at the CNN debate he would select a woman as his running mate Also says he will put an African American woman on the Supreme Court  Said there are a ‘number of … Read more

Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders start with an elbow bump as they face off in a Democratic 2020 debate

Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders began their first one-on-one Democratic debate with an elbow bump instead of the traditional handshake, bowing to concerns about the spread of the coronavirus. The candidates were placed six feet from one another in accordance with Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidelines, and there was no live audience. The … Read more

Joe Biden crushes Bernie Sanders with crucial victory in Michigan

Joe Biden won the Michigan primary Tuesday night, dealing Bernie Sanders a crushing blow in the democratic socialist’s pursuit of the White House.  All eyes had been on Michigan, which gave Sanders a surprise boost four years ago when he was in the Democratic primary against Hillary Clinton.   Biden also won the Mississippi and Missouri Democratic … Read more

Harvard scientist analyzes 6.8 million tweets, finds Bernie Sanders supporters are NOT more abusive

Does the Bernie Bro actually exist? Harvard scientist analyzes 6.8 million tweets and finds Sanders supporters are NOT more hostile to rivals than people who support other candidates A researcher from Harvard investigated 280,000 randomly selected Twitter followers from the top nine Democratic primary candidates He analyzed more than 6.8 million posts, which dated as … Read more

Hillary Clinton says Bernie Sanders would not be ‘our strongest nominee against Donald Trump’

Hillary Clinton said Bernie Sanders was not the ‘strongest nominee’ for Democrats to take on President Donald Trump this fall but she stopped short of endorsing Joe Biden over her 2016 primary rival.  ‘I do not think he’s our strongest nominee against Donald Trump,’ Clinton told CNN’s ‘Fareed Zakaria GPS’ in an interview that aired … Read more

Jesse Jackson endorses Bernie Sanders for president as Vermont senator fights back against Joe Biden

Jesse Jackson endorses Bernie Sanders for president as Vermont senator fights back against Joe Biden Jesse Jackson, the legendary civil rights leader and presidential candidate, endorsed Bernie Sanders on Sunday His blessing comes ahead of Michigan’s primary on Tuesday Jackson won Michigan in 1988 presidential primary He also has strong influence among African American voters … Read more

Kamala Harris endorses Joe Biden for president

Kamala Harris endorsed Joe Biden on Sunday, becoming the 9th former presidential candidate to give him the nod of approval in his race against Bernie Sanders.  ‘I believe in Joe. I really believe in him and I have known him for a long time. One of the things that we need right now is we … Read more

At least 10,000 Bernie Sanders supporters pack Grant Park to hear Democratic socialist

At least 10,000 mostly young supporters cheered Bernie Sanders in Chicago’s Grant Park on Saturday, where the senator from Vermont attacked Democratic front runner Joe Biden as ill-equipped to defeat President Trump in November. ‘Today we make it clear that the only way we beat Trump is with a campaign of energy, excitement and grassroots … Read more

Jane Fonda endorses ‘climate candidate’ Bernie Sanders before leading star-studded rally in LA

Jane Fonda has ‘indirectly’ endorsed Bernie Sanders for the presidency. ‘We have to get a climate president in office, and there’s only one right now, and that’s Bernie Sanders,’ the 82-year-old explained to USA Today. ‘So, I’m indirectly saying I believe you have to support the climate candidate,’ said Jane, who has famously racked up … Read more