Diabetes drug metformin alleviates anxiety in mice ‘by increasing levels of the feel-good chemical’

Diabetes drug metformin alleviates anxiety in mice ‘by increasing levels of the feel-good chemical serotonin in their brain’ People with type 2 diabetes are at higher risk of depression but it is unclear why Previous studies suggest the mechanisms for creating serotonin are blocked In a mouse study, scientists released the block with metformin and … Read more

Leading expert claims doctors should dish out LAVENDER OIL as first-line treatment for anxiety

Anxiety sufferers should be given lavender oil as a first line of treatment instead of addictive drugs, a psychiatrist has claimed. Professor Hans Peter-Volz said doctors are too quick to dish out benzodiazepines and other drugs to patients with anxiety. Instead, patients with a mild form of the disorder should be given natural remedies, including … Read more