Armchair traveller: Books, TV and radio to keep wanderlust alive during coronavirus self-isolation

Here we pick a selection of the best travel-related programmes, books and radio shows that will provide some isolation inspiration for the week ahead.  ON THE PAGE… Beautiful Balkans  Let Kassabova’s charming travelogue take you round the glistening shores of Lake Ohrid  Follow Kapka Kassabova’s ancestral quest in To The Lake  Brown bears and wolves … Read more

Armchair traveller: Books, TV and radio to keep wanderlust alive

Here we pick a selection of the best travel-related programmes, books and radio shows that will provide some isolation inspiration for the week ahead.  ON THE PAGE… Beautiful Balkans  A masterpiece: The Church of St John at Kaneo, on Lake Ohrid in North Macedonia  Follow Kapka Kassabova’s ancestral quest in To The Lake  Brown bears … Read more

Wife told husband, 58, had zero chance of surviving coronavirus says he’s still alive a week later

A wife who had said her goodbyes to her husband after she was told he had ‘zero chance’ of surviving coronavirus has revealed he is ‘still with us’ a week later.  Last week mother-of-two Sue Martin, from Cardiff, broke listeners’ hearts as she revealed she was given 10 minutes to say a heartbreaking final goodbye to … Read more

Police officers have been ridiculed for performing Bee Gees’ hit Stayin’ Alive

Police officers slammed as ‘unfit for purpose’ after performing dance routine to the Bee Gees’ hit Stayin’ Alive as they urge the people to stay indoors Sandbach Police in Cheshire received hundreds of complaints for Twitter post  Four police officers were seen gyrating in front of three marked police cars  Twitter users asked if the … Read more

How to keep the passion for travel alive during coronavirus outbreak

Travel may be off the agenda at the moment. But that doesn’t mean you have to stop exploring new places. Here, we round up the best travel books, virtual tours and TV and radio shows that will keep your passion for travel alive. Mexican road trip The book On The Plain of Snakes by Paul … Read more

Ellen DeGeneres blasted by former fans and employees calling her ‘one of the meanest people alive’

Former employees and fans of Ellen DeGeneres have taken to Twitter to blast the renowned talk show host for her alleged ‘mean’ behavior. Comedian Kevin T. Porter kicked the entire social media movement off on Friday, when he sent out a tweet urging people to message him ‘the most insane stories [they’ve] heard’ about DeGeneres … Read more

Western doctors not as good as China at keeping coronavirus patients alive, WHO expert says

Someone who is infected with the coronavirus can spread it with just a simple cough or a sneeze, scientists say. More than 3,000 people with the virus are now confirmed to have died and almost 90,000 have been infected. Here’s what we know so far: What is the coronavirus?  A coronavirus is a type of … Read more

Heart-stopping moment British father digs his son, 11, out alive from 5ft of snow

Heart-stopping moment British father digs his son, 11, out alive from 5ft of snow he’d been buried under for 30 MINUTES after getting separated from his family while ski-ing in France Father Gillon Campbell said he had ‘never been so scared’ before in his life  Fox was buried in the snow in an avalanche while … Read more

Baby elephant is eaten alive by a pack of hyenas as its helpless mother watches

A baby elephant was eaten alive by a pack of savage hyenas as its helpless mother watched after they both became stuck in a mud pit on the plains of Zimbabwe. The hyenas tore off the baby’s leg as they attacked it overnight while the mother desperately threw mud over her head in an attempt … Read more

Heart transplant list could be slashed after hope of keeping donated organ alive for 24 hours

There is hope for transplant patients, from technology which may keep a heart alive for 24 hours. At the moment, a donated heart can usually only last around four hours as it is rushed to the person who needs it. But by pumping fluid through its blood vessels, and using pulses of oxygen which mimic … Read more