2,500-year-old intact and sealed coffins are discovered in Giza, Egypt

An Egyptian archaeological mission has discovered a large collection of 2,500-year-old sealed sarcophagi and figurines at the Saqqara Necropolis in Giza. Opening one of the ornately decorated sarcophagi before assembled media, the team revealed mummified remains wrapped in burial cloth that bore hieroglyphic inscriptions in bright colours.   The dramatic find was unearthed south of Cairo in … Read more

Extraordinary 2,500-year-old grave of an ancient Scythian ‘warrior couple’ is unearthed in Siberia

An extraordinary 2,500-year-old grave of an ancient warrior couple has been found in Siberia. The pair are believed to have died in their 30s and were buried with a baby and an ‘elderly’ servant woman, archaeologists say. The elderly woman was likely in her 60s when she died and was entombed in a crumpled position under the … Read more

Archaeology: Remains of a 2,500-year-old royal palace found buried outside the walls of Jerusalem

Magnificent stone remains of a 2,500-year-old royal palace from the time of the Kings of Judah are found carefully buried outside the walls of Jerusalem The remains included the ornate capitals that would have topped stone columns Experts are unclear why they were neatly buried when the rest was plundered When it stood, the palace would … Read more