Scientists and tech companies open-source patents to help researchers studying COVID-19

Scientists and tech companies are open-sourcing their patents as part of a pledge to help expand resources for researchers trying to combat COVID-19 pandemic

  • The initiative open is mean to encourage companies to open source patents
  • Intel alone has opened up more than 72,000 patents to the world
  • The license will be valid for a year after the pandemic is declared over 

An initiative is attempting to galvanize scientists and tech companies into open-sourcing patents that could help solve an ongoing coronavirus pandemic.

The ‘Open Covid Pledge’ is a an effort being backed by tech giants like Mozilla, Creative Commons, and Intel that has already made 72,000 patents available to researchers across the world. 

Other partners include Berkeley and UCSF’s Innovative Genomics Institute, Fabricatorz Foundation, and United Patents.

Participating organizations are asked to post a press release containing an official statement that urges other to join the effort after they opt-in. 

A pledge looks to encourage patent holders to open-source their intellectual property in an effort to help bolster researchers studying COVID-19

‘Immediate action is required to halt the COVID-19 Pandemic and treat those it has affected,’ reads the pledge being circulated online.

‘It is a practical and moral imperative that every tool we have at our disposal be applied to develop and deploy technologies on a massive scale without impediment. We therefore pledge to make our intellectual property available free of charge for use in ending the COVID-19 pandemic and minimizing the impact of the disease.’ 

The initiative is calling on others to join the cause and provides a template for open-sourcing their intellectual property. 

The default license outlines the terms through which patents are made available, specifically noting that it will be used for, ‘minimizing the impact of the disease, including without limitation the diagnosis, prevention, containment, and treatment of the COVID-19 Pandemic.’

Intel is among the major backers of the pledge and has open-sourced more than 72,000 of its patents for researchers (stock)

Intel is among the major backers of the pledge and has open-sourced more than 72,000 of its patents for researchers (stock)

That license will apparently be active for a year after the pandemic is deemed to be over with. 

The idea of open-sourcing has gained traction as COVID-19 spreads across the world, touching the world of medical equipment like masks and even ventilators. 

Last month, Julian Botta, a resident in emergency medicine at Johns Hopkins, created a Google Doc that listed some of the basic specifications for a ventilator to provide a do-it-yourself guide for assembly.