Sale singer Beth Palmer, 17, took her life during coronavirus lockdown

The family of a talented young singer with ‘the world at her ‘feet,’ say she took her life because three months of coronavirus lockdown to her ‘felt like 300 years’. 

Beth Palmer, 17, from Sale in Greater Manchester, was studying to be a vocal artist and had a growing reputation as a talented singer, but her family say she became obsessed that the current clampdown on everyday life would never end.

The student was found dead at her home, just days after the country was put into lockdown because of the Covid-19 outbreak.

Her devastated family say there was no indication she was struggling with her mental health, other than that she’d expressed sadness and frustration about not being able to see friends or go to college.

Beth Palmer, 17, was making a name for herself by performing at pubs around Sale, Greater Manchester, before she died in March

Teenager Beth Palmer's dad Mike said she had become obsessed with how long the coronavirus lockdown could last

Teenager Beth Palmer’s dad Mike said she had become obsessed with how long the coronavirus lockdown could last

And they spoke about the tragedy to warn other parents that their children will face dark days during these uncertain times.

Bath’s father Mike Palmer said: ‘I have no doubt the lockdown has played a major part in Beth’s death.

‘She couldn’t finish college, she couldn’t go out and see her friends. She felt as though this three-month lockdown was to her 300 years.

‘This three-month lockdown I think became an extreme, almost obsessive obsession, that it was never going to end.’

Beth was a student at Access Creative College in Manchester and was gaining a reputation as a talented singer and musician, regularly performing at local pubs.

Mike and Beth’s mother Helen are struggling to come to terms with the tragedy that took place at the end of March as the country lived through its first week of lockdown. 

Speaking to ITV’s Granada Reports they said they feared there will be other teenagers and young people struggling with the imposed isolation and change to their lives.

‘The devastation is indescribable. It saddens me to say but I don’t think she’ll be alone, I think there’ll be other young adults, teenagers feeling exactly the same, feeling very vulnerable, maybe very scared about the Covid-19 situation, having their lives changed,’ said Mike.

‘I’d hate to think of another family going through what we’re going through now.

‘Even if it puts one child off taking their own life, hopefully no-one should feel isolated enough to do this.’

A Justgiving page has been set up in memory of Beth – the family hope to use it to start a charitable trust in her name, which has already raised more than £10,000.

Their idea is to take mental health first aid into creative colleges and universities to help those students who may be at risk and struggling.

Friends took to social media to express their shock and sadness at the tragedy and ex-teachers at Sale High School also paid tribute, in a statement saying: ‘We are devastated to hear of the sad death of former student Beth Palmer.

A JustGiving page set up in Beth's memory has raised more than £10,000. The Sale teenager's family hope to set up a charity in her name

A JustGiving page set up in Beth’s memory has raised more than £10,000. The Sale teenager’s family hope to set up a charity in her name 

‘Beth was a truly wonderful and hugely talented student. She was loved by all who knew her.’

Since her death Beth’s, a recent song recording on her Instagram page has received more than 50 thousand likes. The family say they are taking great comfort from knowing her musical legacy will live on.

‘She was a wonderful, wonderful daughter. She was just funny, she lit up the room,’ added Mike.

‘She was so affectionate and loving as well. She basically had the world at her feet. She had everything, everything to live for.

‘She was our baby, she was our little girl. It’s such a waste of a beautiful life.’

If you are struggling, Samaritans is there to offer free support 24/7 on 116 123. 

Papyrus’ Hopeline is also available to help young people on 0800 068 41 41.