Renault’s profits almost wiped out by ailing partner Nissan and sales slump in China

Renault’s profits almost wiped out by ailing partner Nissan and sales slump in China

Renault’s profits were almost wiped out as it was dragged down by its ailing partner Nissan and a sales slump in China.

The French car maker posted its worst financial performance in a decade as profits fell 99 per cent from €3.5billion (£2.9billion) in 2017 to just €19million (£15.6million) last year.

In the slow lane: The French car maker posted its worst financial performance in a decade

Contributions from Nissan, in which it holds a controlling stake, fell nearly 85 per cent. Like most of its rivals, the firm has been hit by falling sales in China.

The grim results were announced after Nissan issued a profit warning on Thursday and revealed that it had lurched to its first quarterly loss in almost a decade.