Pupil, 15, is sent home from school for wearing Nike trainers

An outraged mother claims she was disgusted after having to pick her teenage daughter up from school minutes after dropping her off because the GCSE student was wearing trainers. 

Laura Celmer’s daughter Isabelle returned to the University of Birmingham school yesterday for the first time in three months when she was sent home almost immediately. 

The 15-year-old from Birmingham had left her black school shoes at her grandparents’ house before the lockdown. 

Laura Celmer, pictured with her daughter Isabelle, right, believes school officials were wrong to send the 15-year-old home from class yesterday because she was wearing a pair of trainers

Isabelle was wearing her full uniform when she arrived yesterday at the University of Birmingham School, pictured, apart from her normal black shoes as these were at her grandparents' home who are currently shielding due to Covid-19

Isabelle was wearing her full uniform when she arrived yesterday at the University of Birmingham School, pictured, apart from her normal black shoes as these were at her grandparents’ home who are currently shielding due to Covid-19

Instead, the teenager was wearing a black pair of Nike Air Force trainers, similar to these

Instead, the teenager was wearing a black pair of Nike Air Force trainers, similar to these

Her mother claims they were unable to pick up the shoes as the elderly couple are both shielding.   

The Year 10 pupil was in her full school uniform, but had to resort to wearing the black Nike Air Force trainers. 

Ms Celmer said: ‘This is ridiculous – surely

they have more important things to worry about right now? The kids have already missed almost three months of school.

‘Isabelle was only due to go back for a total of six days before the summer holidays start – surely getting them back in to education is more important?

‘I dropped her at school for her first day back since the lockdown – she has to go in twice a week, every fortnight.

Isabelle, pictured, is due to attend school twice a week for the rest of term

Isabelle, pictured, is due to attend school twice a week for the rest of term

‘We realised she had left her school shoes at her grandparents’ house and they are shielding.

‘So instead, she wore a pair of brand new black Nike Air Force trainers.

‘She had never worn trainers to school before but didn’t want to be late.

‘She was worried that it would get her in trouble, but I told her not to panic as there were more important things going on at the moment.

‘But I had a phone call as soon as I got home to say I had to collect her as she wasn’t in full uniform.

‘She had on her school blazer, shirt and tie. It was only her trainers that were not school uniform.

‘With the current pandemic, you would think the education system had more pressing issues to worry about. Children’s educations have suffered enough.

‘After missing three months of school and doing her GCSEs next year, it’s been a difficult time.

‘I went back and picked Isabelle up from school and spoke to staff who said it was policy.

‘I was told they had sent other children home too – all because of “uniform issues”. I think it’s appalling.

‘I totally understand and agree with the uniform policy normally, but this is hardly a “normal” time. Everything else about school is different.

‘They’ve been away for months and as soon as they get chance to go back, they are sent straight home, it’s absolutely ridiculous.

‘If they are trying to make an example of pupils, now is not the right time.’

A spokesman for the school, which has 805 pupils aged 11 to 19, said ‘We understand that this is a challenging time for everyone and have already been in touch with the family to apologise for any miscommunication or inconvenience and resolve this matter.

‘Our priority is to ensure the pupil is supported to return on site for learning today.

‘Ordinarily, our usual response to incorrect uniform is to provide the pupils with items available from our spare uniform kept on site.

‘However, due to the steps we are taking to ensure a safe and healthy school environment during the COVID-19 circumstances, sharing of items is not possible or advised.

‘We have fully communicated expectations to parents/carers and pupils about our uniform policy and home school agreement, a reminder of which was sent out last week along with an update on measures the school was putting in place to open safely prior to our phased increase for on site learning earlier this week.

‘Unfortunately in this instance we were not informed in advance by the parent of any concerns regarding uniform.’