Police were called to 40 illegal house parties in Manchester in a single night

Police were called to at least 40 illegal house parties in locked-down Manchester in just one night – including one which left a female officer with a broken jaw.  

Greater Manchester Police said they are dealing with around 2,000 extra calls a week about people failing to follow the coronavirus lockdown regulations.

The city’s reinforced lockdown rules restrict outdoor gatherings to up to six people and social distancing rules must be enforced.

Two households are not able mix indoors – including in homes, private gardens and restaurants – unless they have formed a support bubble.

But last night alone saw 40 reports of people holding house parties in the city.

At one large house party in Stockport, a female officer was punched in the face – leaving her with a suspected broken jaw.

A 49-year-old woman was arrested on suspicion of assaulting an emergency worker. She remains in police custody for questioning.

Shocking images on Snapchat showed hundreds of revellers defy social distancing measures as they attended a party in Gorton on August 15

Another gathering saw family members – from separate households – fighting at a gathering. 

Assistant Chief Constable Nick Bailey told BBC Radio Manchester  that having to respond to Covid-19 breaches is placing ‘a huge demand’ on resources for the force. 

ACC Bailey said people are ‘frustrated’ with the reinforced lockdown rules, leading to them flouting the restrictions.

When asked about anti-social behaviour rising in Ancoats – a part of Manchester – and whether dispersal orders should be issued more often, he said officers are taking enforcement action where they can.

But he said that it’s currently ‘a struggle’ for the force.

He said: ‘Where we stand currently, this is placing a huge demand for policing resource on us.

People dance to the loud music inside the gazebo

Ravers continued to flout social distancing guidlines

Hundreds of revellers (left and right) were filmed dancing at an illegal lockdown party in Gorton, Manchester, on August 15 

‘Unlike when we had the full lockdown, we have normal calls now as well as probably the 2000 extra calls a week in relation to the breaches since the new restrictions came in.

‘Thankfully, most of the time people are compliant, they accept it, they maybe take the advice and guidance. 

‘But we are seeing some extreme cases where the nature of the gatherings that are in breach involve alcohol, involve lots of people.’

Speaking of last night’s incidents he added: ‘There was one large house party in Stockport where we’ve potentially got an officer who was assaulted by a female and had their jaw broken.

‘We’ve got family members fighting in the house when they shouldn’t have even been together in the same house.

‘People are frustrated and want to be with their friends and families. They’re gathering together and often alcohol is involved.

‘A lot of the community has returned to normal so the crime that always took place over Greater Manchester is still going on.

‘We’re still getting those calls so we are having to prioritise our resources daily, particularly to those who are vulnerable or who have personal crimes committed against them, as well as these calls in relation to Covid.

‘It’s not just young people who cause these problems, they are one group that do. But you only need to see some of the breaches in the public houses that are the older generation.’

Last weekend, police recorded 863 incidents related to Covid-19. Of these, 62 related to licensed premises.

Hundreds of people were caught on Snapchat footage partying in a giant gazebo at a property in Gorton and a wedding with more than 50 guests was held in a marquee in Whalley Range.

Wilmslow Road in Rusholme, also known as the Curry Mile, has had to be shut by police after hundreds of people gathered to celebrate Pakistan Independence Day

A large crowd gathered to celebrate Pakistan Independence Day last week

Wilmslow Road in Rusholme, also known as the Curry Mile, has had to be shut by police after hundreds of people gathered to celebrate Pakistan Independence Day (pictured) 

Wilmslow Road in Rusholme, also known as the Curry Mile, has had to be shut by police twice in a week after hundreds of people gathered to celebrate Afghan Independence Day and Pakistan Independence Day.

This is despite council leaders warning the public that parties must be put on hold to prevent the region from going into full lockdown.

Burnage councillor Bev Craig, executive member for adult health and wellbeing, said: ‘For now, the party is on hold.

‘We’ve all had to give up things we enjoy, things we love and things that make us happy.

‘We still need to keep up with a lot of that sacrifice over the next few months to keep our numbers down and make sure we don’t have to sacrifice them in the long run.

Then on Wednesday night, police were forced to close Curry Mile for the second time as crowds defied the local lockdown to celebrate Afghan Independence Day

Hundreds spilled onto one of the city's busiest streets where they waved flags, set of flares and even danced on car roofs

 Then on Wednesday night, police were forced to close Curry Mile for the second time as crowds defied the local lockdown to celebrate Afghan Independence Day

‘We don’t want to go back into full lockdown.’

A Greater Manchester Police spokesperson said of the Stockport incident: ‘At around 1.30am on Friday 21 August 2020, police were called to reports of a breach of Covid-19 restrictions at a residential property on Gloucester Avenue, Stockport.

‘Officers attended and, upon arrival, an officer was assaulted. The officer was taken to hospital. Thankfully, her injuries are not as serious as initially thought.

‘A 49-year-old woman was arrested on suspicion of assaulting an emergency worker. She remains in police custody for questioning.’