Our new tale with a twist from ROALD DAHL 

This story was first published in 1952, when business was booming for cruise ships. To alleviate passengers’ boredom — and to give them an idea of their position in a vast and featureless ocean — the captain would run a daily auction in which passengers bid for the nautical mileage they believed the ship would cover that day, based on the captain’s guess. After a bidding war, the player who came closest would win 90 per cent of the pot . . .

On the morning of the third day, the sea calmed. Even the most delicate passengers — who had not been seen since the ship sailed — emerged from their cabins and crept up on to the sun deck.

The steward gave them chairs and tucked rugs around their legs and left them lying in rows, their faces upturned to the pale, almost heatless January sun. It had been moderately rough the first two days, and this sudden calm and the sense of comfort it brought created a more genial atmosphere over the whole ship.

By the time evening came, the passengers, with 12 hours of good weather behind them, were beginning to feel confident, and at eight o’clock that night the main dining room was filled with people eating and drinking with the assured, complacent air of seasoned sailors.

‘On the morning of the third day, the sea calmed. Even the most delicate passengers — who had not been seen since the ship sailed — emerged from their cabins and crept up on to the sun deck’ 

The meal was not half over when the passengers became aware, by a slight friction between their bodies and the seats of their chairs, that the big ship had started rolling again.

It was very gentle at first, just a slow, lazy leaning to one side, then to the other, but it was enough to cause a subtle, immediate change of mood over the whole room. A few of the passengers glanced up from their food, hesitating, waiting, almost listening for the next roll, smiling nervously, little secret glimmers of apprehension in their eyes.

Some were completely unruffled, some were openly smug, a number of the smug ones making jokes about food and weather to torture the few who were beginning to suffer.

The movement of the ship then became more and more violent, and only five or six minutes after the first roll had been noticed, she was swinging heavily from side to side, the passengers bracing themselves in their chairs, leaning against the pull as in a car cornering.

At last the really bad roll came, and William Botibol, sitting at the purser’s table, saw his plate of poached turbot with hollandaise sauce sliding suddenly away from under his fork. There was a flutter of excitement, everybody reaching for plates and wine glasses. Mrs Renshaw, seated at the purser’s right, gave a little scream and clutched that gentleman’s arm.

‘Going to be a dirty night,’ the purser said, looking at Mrs Renshaw. ‘I think it’s blowing up a very dirty night.’ There was just the faintest suggestion of relish in the way he said it.

The excitement subsided and most of the passengers continued with their meals.

A small number, including Mrs Renshaw, got carefully to their feet and threaded their ways with a kind of concealed haste between the tables and through the doorway.

‘Well,’ the purser said, ‘there she goes.’ He glanced around with approval at the remainder of his flock, who were sitting quiet, looking complacent, their faces reflecting openly that extraordinary pride that travellers seem to take in being recognised as ‘good sailors’.

When the eating was finished and the coffee had been served, Mr Botibol, who had been unusually grave and thoughtful since the rolling started, suddenly stood up and carried his cup of coffee around to Mrs Renshaw’s vacant place, next to the purser.

He seated himself in her chair, then leaned over and began to whisper urgently in the purser’s ear. ‘Excuse me,’ he said, ‘but could you tell me something, please?’

The purser, small and fat and red, bent forward to listen. ‘What’s the trouble Mr Botibol?’

British writer Roald Dahl (1916 - 1990), pictured on December 11, 1971

British writer Roald Dahl (1916 – 1990), pictured on December 11, 1971

‘What I want to know is this.’ The man’s face was anxious and the purser was watching it. ‘Will the captain already have made his estimate on the day’s run — you know, for the auction pool? I mean, before it began to get rough?’

The purser, who had prepared himself to receive a personal confidence, smiled and leaned back in his seat to relax his full belly. ‘I should say so — yes,’ he answered.

He didn’t bother to whisper his reply, although automatically he lowered his voice, as one does when answering a whisperer.

‘About how long ago do you think he did it?’

‘Some time this afternoon. He usually does it in the afternoon.’

‘About what time?’

‘Oh, I don’t know. Around four o’clock, I should guess.’

‘Now tell me another thing. How does the captain decide which number it shall be? Does he take a lot of trouble over that?’

The purser looked at the anxious frowning face of Mr Botibol and he smiled, knowing quite well what the man was driving at.

‘Well, you see, the captain has a little conference with the navigating officer, and they study the weather and a lot of other things, and then they make their estimate.’ Mr Botibol nodded, pondering this answer for a moment. Then he said, ‘Do you think the captain knew there was bad weather coming today?’

‘I couldn’t tell you,’ the purser replied. He was looking into the small black eyes of the other man, seeing the two single little sparks of excitement dancing in their centres.

‘I really couldn’t tell you, Mr Botibol. I wouldn’t know.’

‘If this gets any worse it might be worth buying some of the low numbers. What do you think?’ The whispering was more urgent, more anxious now.

‘Perhaps it will,’ the purser said. ‘I doubt the old man allowed for a really rough night. It was pretty calm this afternoon when he made his estimate.’

The others at the table had become silent and were trying to hear, watching the purser with that intent, half-cocked, listening look that you can see also at the race track when they are trying to overhear a trainer talking about his chance.

The slightly open lips, the upstretched eyebrows, the head forward and cocked a little to one side — that desperately straining, half-hypnotised, listening look that comes to all of them when they are hearing something straight from the horse’s mouth.

Mr Botibol went on: ‘Suppose you were allowed to buy a number, which one would you choose today?’

‘I don’t know what the range is yet,’ the purser patiently answered. ‘They don’t announce the range till the auction starts after dinner. And I’m really not very good at it anyway. I’m only the purser, you know.’

At that point Mr Botibol stood up. ‘Excuse me, all,’ he said, and he walked carefully away over the swaying floor between the other tables, and twice he had to catch hold of the back of a chair to steady himself against the ship’s roll.

‘The sun deck, please,’ he said to the elevator man. The wind caught him full in the face as he stepped out on to the open deck.

He staggered and grabbed hold of the rail and held on tight with both hands, and he stood there looking out over the darkening sea, where the great waves were welling up high and white horses were riding against the wind with plumes of spray behind them as they went.

‘Pretty bad out there, wasn’t it, sir?’ the elevator man said on the way down.

Mr Botibol was combing his hair back into place with a small red comb. ‘Do you think we’ve slackened speed at all on account of the weather?’ he asked.

‘Oh my word yes, sir. We slackened off considerable since this started. You got to slacken off speed in weather like this or you’ll be throwing the passengers all over the ship.’

Down in the smoking-room people were already gathering for the auction. They were grouping themselves politely around the various tables, the men a little stiff in their dinner jackets, a little pink and overshaved beside their cool, white-armed women.

Mr Botibol took a chair close to the auctioneer’s table. He crossed his legs, folded his arms and settled himself in his seat with the rather desperate air of a man who has made a tremendous decision and refuses to be frightened.

The pool, he was telling himself, would probably be around $7,000. That was almost exactly what it had been the last two days, with the numbers selling for between 300 and 400 apiece. It being a British ship, they did it in pounds, but he liked to do his thinking in his own currency.

Seven thousand dollars was plenty of money. My goodness yes! And what he would do, he would get them to pay him in hundred-dollar bills and he would take it ashore in the inside pocket of his jacket.

No problem there. And right away, yes right away, he would buy a Lincoln convertible. He would pick it up on the way from the ship and drive it home just for the pleasure of seeing Ethel’s face when she came out the front door and looked at it.

Wouldn’t that be something, to see Ethel’s face when he glided up to the door in a brand-new pale-green Lincoln convertible!

‘Hello, Ethel honey,’ he would say, speaking very casual. ‘I just thought I’d get you a little present. I saw it in the window as I went by, so I thought of you and how you were always wanting one. You like it, honey? You like the colour?’

And then he would watch her face.

The auctioneer was standing up behind his table now. ‘Ladies and gentlemen!’ he shouted. ‘The captain has estimated the day’s run, ending midday tomorrow, at 515 miles. As usual we will take the ten numbers on either side of it to make up the range. That makes it 505 to 525.

‘And, of course, for those who think the true figure will be still farther away, there’ll be ‘low field’ and ‘high field’ sold separately as well. Now, we’ll draw the first number out of the hat . . . here we are . . . 512?’

The room became quiet. The people sat still in their chairs, all eyes watching the auctioneer. There was a certain tension in the air, and as the bids got higher, the tension grew.

This wasn’t a game or a joke; you could be sure of that by the way one man would look across at another who had raised his bid — smiling perhaps, but only the lips smiling, the eyes bright and absolutely cold. Number 512 was knocked down for £110. The next three or four numbers fetched roughly the same amount.

The ship was rolling heavily, and each time she went over, the wooden panelling on the walls creaked as if it were going to split.

The passengers held on to the arms of their chairs, concentrating upon the auction. ‘Low field!’ the auctioneer called out. ‘The next number is low field.’

Mr Botibol sat up very straight and tense. He would wait, he had decided, until the others had finished bidding, then he would jump in and make the last bid. He had figured that there must be at least $500 in his account at the bank at home, probably nearer six. That was about £200 — over £200. This ticket wouldn’t fetch more than that.

‘As you all know,’ the auctioneer was saying, ‘low field covers every number below the smallest number in the range, in this case every number below 505. So, if you think this ship is going to cover less than 505 miles in the 24 hours ending at noon tomorrow, you better get in and buy this number. So what am I bid?’

It went clear up to £130. Others besides Mr Botibol seemed to have noticed that the weather was rough, £140, £150 . . . There it stopped. The auctioneer raised his hammer.

‘Going at £150 . . .’

‘Sixty!’ Mr Botibol called, and every face in the room turned and looked at him.


‘Eighty!’ Mr Botibol called.


‘Two hundred!’ Mr Botibol called. He wasn’t stopping now — for anyone.

There was a pause.

‘Any advance on £200?’

Sit still, he told himself. Sit absolutely still and don’t look up. Hold your breath. No one’s going to bid you up so long as you hold your breath.

‘Going for £200 . . .’ The auctioneer had a pink bald head and there were little beads of sweat sparkling on top of it.

‘Going . . .’ Mr Botibol held his breath. ‘Going . . . Gone!’ The man banged the hammer on the table. Mr Botibol wrote out a cheque and handed it to the auctioneer’s assistant, then he settled back in his chair to wait for the finish.

He did not want to go to bed before he knew how much there was in the pool.

They added it up after the last number had been sold and it came to £2,100-odd pounds. That was around $6,000. Ninety per cent to go to the winner, ten per cent to seamen’s charities. Ninety per cent of 6,000 was 5,400. Well — that was enough. He could buy the Lincoln Convertible and there would be something left over, too.

With this gratifying thought, he went off, happy and excited, to his cabin.

When Mr Botibol awoke the next morning he lay quite still for several minutes with his eyes shut, listening for the sound of the gale, waiting for the roll of the ship. There was no sound of any gale and the ship was not rolling.

He jumped up and peered out of the porthole. The sea — Oh Jesus God — was smooth as glass, the great ship was moving through it fast, obviously making up for time lost during the night. Mr Botibol turned away and sat slowly down on the edge of his bunk.

A fine electricity of fear was beginning to prickle under the skin of his stomach.

He hadn’t a hope now. One of the higher numbers was certain to win it after this.

‘Oh my God,’ he said aloud. ‘What shall I do?’ What, for example, would Ethel say? It was simply not possible to tell her that he had spent almost all of their two years’ savings on a ticket in the ship’s pool. Nor was it possible to keep the matter secret.

To do that he would have to tell her to stop drawing cheques. And what about the monthly instalments on the television set and the Encyclopaedia Britannica?

Already he could see the anger and contempt in the woman’s eyes, the blue becoming grey and the eyes themselves narrowing as they always did when there was anger in them.

‘Oh my God. What shall I do?’ 

  • Dip In The Pool was first published in 1952 and is taken from Madness: Tales Of Fear And Unreason, by Roald Dahl, published by Penguin at £8.99 and also available in ebook and audiobook. © The Roald Dahl Story Company Ltd.