Man charged with murdering Rikki Neave in 1994 may avoid trial because of issues over extradition

Man, 39, charged with murdering schoolboy Rikki Neave, six, in 1994 when he was 13 years old may avoid trial because of issues surrounding his extradition from Portugal, court told

  • Rikki Neave, six, was found dead near home in Welland, Peterborough, in 1994
  • His mother Ruth was originally charged with murder but was later cleared
  • Cold case reopened in 2015 and James Watson is first arrested but then bailed
  • Traced to Portugal and extradited back to the UK, charged with murder in 2020
  • Old Bailey will now hear ‘issues with his extradition’ at hearing in June

A man accused of the murder of six-year-old Rikki Neave who was found strangled in woodland 25 years ago may avoid a trial because of problems with his extradition from Portugal, a court heard today.

The youngster disappeared after leaving for school from his home in Welland, Peterborough, on the morning of November 29 1994.

His naked body was found the next day in woods five minutes away from his house with his school uniform – grey trousers, a white shirt and a blue coat – dumped in a nearby bin.

James Watson, 39, who would have been 13 at the time, was charged with his murder in February.

Watson was re-arrested in Portugal on 2 August last year after leaving the country when he was first arrested and bailed in June.

He did not appear at the Old Bailey today for his plea and trial preparation hearing.

Mr Justice Edis told the court it was understood Watson had entered a not guilty plea to murder but that an issue relating to his extradition had complicated his prosecution.

The judge said a hearing on 5 June would be held to determine whether to proceed with a trial.

Mr Justice Edis said: ‘This hearing takes place for the interests of open justice.

‘The prison [video-link] was double booked at HMP Bedford today… so he does not appear.

‘We know it is a not guilty plea. He does not need to be arraigned this morning he can be arraigned at the start of the trial.

‘An order has been agreed for purposes of the PTPH which has been uploaded onto the digital case system.

‘The order provides in outline… a hearing for the determination of an issue which arises or may arise out of the circumstances in which Watson was extradited to this jurisdiction.

‘It may mean that he cannot be tried for this case.

‘That will be dealt with on 5 June.

‘It is likely that will be a preparatory hearing which means the losing party would be able to appeal before the start of the trial.

‘The trial is presently fixed for 5 October with an estimated hearing of two months.

‘I have provided for a pre-trial review on September 25 so that the defendant can be assessed as to whether in the circumstances this trial can proceed on 5 October or not and if not whether custody time limits can be extended.

‘They currently expire on 9 October.

‘The trial remains fixed as it was but obviously there is a possibility that it may not in fact proceed on that date.’

Watson, of no fixed address, denies murdering Rikki between 28 and 29 November 1994.

He will return to court on 5 June for a preliminary hearing. A provisional trial date has been fixed for 5 October. 

Time of the Rikki Neave case: Detectives charge 38-year-old man 25 years after the schoolboy was murdered 

November 28 1984: Rikki Neave was last seen leaving his home in Welland, Peterborough and was reported missing when he failed to turn up at school.

November 29 1994: His body was discovered, left naked in a wooded area near his home.

November 30 1994: His clothes were discovered  in a nearby dustbin.

January 1995: His mother Ruth Neave was arrested in Chatteris and charged with child cruelty.

May 1995: She was also charged with his murder, something she strongly denied.

October 1996: She stood trial at Northampton Crown Court, where she admitted child cruelty but was cleared of murder. She was jailed for seven years and released in 2000.

November 2014: After her release, Ms Neave urged Cambridgeshire Police to re-open the case into Rikki’s murder.

June 2015: The force agreed to open a cold case review.

April 2016: James Watson is first arrested on suspicion of murder and later bailed until September that year. 

August 2016: Traced to Portugal where local police detained him in the capital. He did not resist extradition. 

February 17 2020:  James Watson, 38, is charged with Rikki’s murder.