How to make a pizza with NO pizza ingredients

A bizarre hack showing how to make pizza without a base, tomatoes or mozzarella has won over TikTok users.

In a video posted last week, Mechelle Malto, from the Philippines, posted the ‘pan pizza’ hack, which she says she uses when she’s feeling too lazy to make dough.

She starts by placing 10 pieces of sliced white bread in a pan, and flattens them out with her hand to make a thin base, vaguely resembling a crust. 

Next, she covers the base in tomato ketchup, spread the sauce thin so it goes right to the side. 

Next, she coves the base in tomato ketchup, spread the sauce thin so it goes right to the side.

In a video posted last week, Mechelle Malto, from the Philippines, posted the pan pizza hack which she says she uses when she’s feeling too lazy to make dough. She starts by placing 10 pieces of sliced white bread in a pan, and flattens them out with her hand to make a thin base, vaguely resembling a crust (left)  Next, she coves the base in tomato ketchup, spread the sauce thin so it goes right to the side (right)

For the third step, she grates cheddar onto the pizza, but explains that any kind of cheese is okay to use.

Maleta then adds canned beef and onions, but says you can add any toppings you like, as long as they are precooked.

She then places the pan on the stove and cooks it on a low heat to let it cook.

For the third step, she grates cheddar onto the pizza, but explains that any kind of cheese is okay to use. Maleta then adds canned beef and onions, but says you can add any toppings you like, as long as they are precooked

For the third step, she grates cheddar onto the pizza, but explains that any kind of cheese is okay to use. Maleta then adds canned beef and onions, but says you can add any toppings you like, as long as they are precooked

The home cook admits she doesn’t know how to keep it on the stove for, and that others will just ‘know when it’s ready’. 

She said they final creation is ‘yummy and crunchy’ and that her family love the dish.

Maleta also explained it’s a great way to cook up old food to stop it going to waste.

‘It’s a bit like thin crust pizza. My family likes this better than true pizza,’ she added.

The video has now racked up more than a million views, with dozens of people eager to try out the recipe.

‘Nice one, thanks for the idea,’ said one. ‘Great idea, I’m going to try,’ added another.

‘Very practical,’ commented a third.’I’m gonna cook this for my wife and kids, thanks!’ (sic).  

The home cook admits she doesn't know how to keep it on the stove for, and that others will just 'know when it's ready'

The home cook admits she doesn’t know how to keep it on the stove for, and that others will just ‘know when it’s ready’

Maleta also explained it's a great way to cook up old food to stop it going to waste.

She said they final creation is 'yummy and crunchy' and that her family love the dish.

She says they final creation is ‘yummy and crunchy’ and that her family love the dish. Maleta also explained it’s a great way to cook up old food to stop it going to waste

Frying pan pizza has become a food trend among home cooks in lockdown, as foodies tried to recreate their favourite dish while the restaurants were closed. 

London food chain Pizza Pilgrims has also got in on the action. It’s selling ‘Pizza in the Post’ kits, enabling you to recreate its pizza recipes using the frying pan and grill method at home. 

Its first batch reportedly sold out in under a minute, and the chain is now re-stocking every day to deliver countrywide to help keen foodies post their recreations online.

The video has now racked up more than a million views, with dozens of people eager to try out the recipe

The video has now racked up more than a million views, with dozens of people eager to try out the recipe

Speaking to Femail, Waitrose revealed its online searches for the term ‘pizza dough’ are up 332 per cent year on year at, with the term ‘pizza sauce’ also up by 531 per cent. 

Customer demand for bread flour is high, with sales up by 145 per cent compared to this time last year, and yeast sales also rising by 190 per cent. 

According to Kendall Zaluski, chef tutor at the Waitrose Cookery School in Finchley Road, London, a frying pan is a great tool to make the perfect pizza.

She told FEMAIL: ‘I actually think that the best way to get a top notch pizza at home is in a frying pan – you get that initial heat to the bottom of the pizza, which gives a crispy base and better rise throughout the dough.

‘Pizza is such a fun, family-friendly dinner to make and the topping possibilities and pizza shapes are endless, so it’s not surprising that it has become a lockdown staple.’

How to make Pizza Margarita in a frying pan – by Waitrose Cookery School

Serves 2-4 (2 x 30cm pizzas) | prep time: 20 minutes + proving | cook time: 15 minutes


For the dough 

  • 7g dried active yeast
  • ½ tbsp caster sugar
  • 2 tbsp olive oil
  • 500g strong white bread flour, plus extra for dusting
  • ½ tbsp fine sea salt

For the pizza

  • 1 x batch tomato sauce
  • ½ x 250g pack grated mozzarella
  • 150g pack essential Waitrose Italian mozzarella cherries, halved
  • ¼ x 25g pack basil, leaves only
  • ½ tbsp olive oil


  1. To make the dough, mix the yeast, sugar, and olive oil with 325ml of warm water and leave to stand for 2-3 minutes until the yeast is totally dissolved.
  2. Combine the flour and salt in a medium-sized bowl and make a well in the centre. Pour the yeast mixture into the well and mix to bring together.
  3. Tip the dough onto a lightly floured work surface and knead for 8-10 minutes until you have a smooth elastic dough. Place in a large flour-dusted bowl, cover with a damp tea towel and leave in a warm place for 45-60 minutes until the dough has doubled in size.
  4. Preheat the oven to 250℃ fan and place a flat oven tray or pizza stone on the middle shelf.
  5. Place a non-stick pan on a high heat.
  6. Divide the dough into 3 and shape into a small ball. Dust the surface of the dough generously with semolina and press the dough, flattening using your hand until you have a round even shape.
  7. Pick the dough up and stretch it out, rotating as you go to maintain a round shape. Place the dough on the surface so it catches the semolina on the bottom then carefully place into the hot frying pan.
  8. Spread 3-4 tbsp of the tomato sauce evenly over the base. Sprinkle over the grated mozzarella, mozzarella balls and half of the basil leaves, then drizzle with the oil.
  9. Place in the oven and cook for 12-15 minutes until the base is golden and crisp and the toppings are melted. Scatter the remaining basil on top and serve.

Chef’s tip

Use this recipe as a base for creating your own pizza – try adding olives, anchovies, capers, artichoke hearts, mushrooms, cooked ham, spicy salami, Gorgonzola, ricotta or any of your favourite toppings. Parma ham and rocket is delicious scattered over the pizza after it’s cooked.