Extraordinary moment small plane makes an emergency landing on a packed Canadian highway

Extraordinary moment small plane makes an emergency landing on a packed Canadian highway

  • A pilot managed to safely land on a busy road outside Quebec City, Canada
  • The plane found a clear spot on Highway 40 and narrowly avoided moving cars
  • Traffic came to a halt behind the plane as it crawled along the road to safety 

A small plane was forced to make an emergency landing on a highway and narrowly avoided cars on the road outside of Quebec City, Canada. 

The shocking footage shows the plane hovering over cars trying to find a clear spot to land without causing any damage. 

When it finds a gap in the traffic the pilot quickly manages to make a smooth landing on Highway 40 without hitting anything or injuring anyone, despite it taking up most of the carriageway. 

Driver Mathieu Leclerc filmed the small plane landing on the highway outside Quebec City, Canada

Flying low over Highway 40, the pilot waits for an opening in the traffic so they can land the plane safely

Flying low over Highway 40, the pilot waits for an opening in the traffic so they can land the plane safely

Other drivers are left baffled as the Piper PA-28 Cherokee filters in with the rest of the traffic and crawls to the side of the road just south of Quebec City’s Jean Lesage International Airport. 

Some cars appear unaware the plane has made the landing and get extremely close to it before realising and braking.

As the plane attempts to pull over to the side of the road to safety, the cars behind are forced to come to a complete stop and sharply manoeuvre around the wing of the plane. 

Just south of Quebec City's Jean Lesage International Airport, the plane lands in front of two cars and narrowly avoids hitting them

Just south of Quebec City’s Jean Lesage International Airport, the plane lands in front of two cars and narrowly avoids hitting them 

The plane crawls along the road and pulls to the side of the road to let cars go past

The plane crawls along the road and pulls to the side of the road to let cars go past

The incredible footage was captured by Mathieu Leclerc yesterday at around 10am and shows the skillful way the pilot navigated the road to find a safe place to land. 

The National Post reported Sgt. Helene Nepton of the provincial police confirmed nobody on the plane or on the road was injured. 

Later that day a resident shared a video on social media of the plane being transported on the back of a truck through the town with a police escort. 

It is not known why the plane was forced to make the emergency landing.