Emotional Iskra Lawrence shares  breastfeeding post

‘I felt like I was an awful mother’: Emotional Iskra Lawrence shares breastfeeding post as she admits to feeling ‘totally lost when her milk stopped out of nowhere’

She became a mother for the first time just over a month ago, when she and boyfriend Philip Payne welcomed their daughter. 

And Iskra Lawrence, 29, has vowed be honest about the ‘real stuff’ she’s facing and not just the ‘cute stuff’ on social media. 

Sharing a picture of herself breastfeeding her baby, whose name she hasn’t revealed, she wrote about how sad she was when her ‘milk stopped out of nowhere.’ 

‘I felt like I was an awful mother’: Emotional Iskra Lawrence shared a breastfeeding post as she admitted to feeling ‘totally lost when her milk stopped out of nowhere’

She penned: ‘It’s harder to post the real stuff than the cute stuff. I’m always aiming to keep my feed authentic and real but often the broken moments and struggles aren’t captured.

‘It’s pretty unnatural in a moment of pain or upset to think… let me just take a selfie so I can post about it on social media.

‘I was going to post about this regardless of it being mental health awareness month because even though it is important to have movements and special days / months these are vital conversations to have everyday so together we can end the stigma surrounding mental health.

Proud new parents: Iskra welcomed her first child with American beau Philip Payne last month. They have not revealed her full name but use her initials, A.M.P

‘Not just this month or while there’s a trending hashtag we need to make the effort to check in with how we are truly feeling as well as checking in on others.’

She continued: ‘How you’re feeling is a very different question from how are you.

‘And don’t be afraid to actually answer it because the people who care will support you and it will probably help them open up too.

Working up a sweat: Iskra has been showing the light side of being a mother but says she would like to show the tough bits as well

Working up a sweat: Iskra has been showing the light side of being a mother but says she would like to show the tough bits as well 

‘So here’s an image of me the day after my milk supply just stopped out of nowhere when I was trying to feed my hungry baby.

‘I felt like I was an awful mother, incapable and totally lost as our baby wasn’t taking a bottle either.

‘It doesn’t take much to break someone, we are all human and that’s ok.’

And talking about how that affected her, she said: ‘I sobbed myself to sleep that night while @philipapayne held me and reassured me I was doing amazing.

‘I’m grateful I’m able to be open when I’m struggling, to never be afraid to cry and show my emotions because that’s how you can process, feel then heal.

‘Thank you to my partner and parents and loved ones for supporting me and surrounding me in such a safe environment I’m able to feel and share.

‘We are all doing our best and it’s OK to not be OK – I hope you feel like you can share not just your highlights but all the elements of what makes you you and remind us all that we are doing our best and we are in this together.’

She concluded: ‘Also never feel ashamed to ask for help, there are some amazing communities online, resources and helplines to be there for you – you’re not alone.

‘Love you all❤️.’ 

Ups and downs: She had seemed in high spirits as she completed her workout, but admitted she had struggled with some of the core exercises

Ups and downs: She had seemed in high spirits as she completed her workout, but admitted she had struggled with some of the core exercises