China is struck by 30 more coronavirus cases as travellers returning from abroad test positive

China is struck by 30 more coronavirus cases as travellers returning from abroad continue to test positive as death toll rises by three bringing total to 3,329

  • China said 25 of its new cases were in people that had arrived in the country
  • The other five were local transmissions in the southern province of Guangdong
  • Brings the country’s total reported cases to 81,669 and deaths to 3,329 

China has been struck by 30 more cases of coronavirus as travellers returning from abroad continue to test positive for the virus and its reported death toll rises by three to 3,329.

As many as 25 of the latest cases allegedly involve people who had entered from abroad, says the country’s National Health Commission, while five other cases had been detected as local transmissions. All were in the southern coastal province of Guangdong.

It comes as Spain, Italy, France, UK, Iran and the US have all surpassed China’s reported death rate as the world is gripped by the coronavirus pandemic. The country’s total reported cases remain at 81,669 and its death toll has risen to 3,329. 

China said 25 of its new cases had come from people who had arrived from abroad. Pictured above are vitizens saluting coronavirus victims in Beijing’s Tianamen Square

Italy, Spain, the US, France, the UK and Iran have all surpassed China's reported death rate

Italy, Spain, the US, France, the UK and Iran have all surpassed China’s reported death rate

Though daily infections have fallen dramatically from the height of the epidemic in February, when hundreds of new cases were reported daily, 

Beijing remains unable to completely halt new infections despite imposing some of the most drastic measures to curb the virus’ spread.

The so-called imported cases and asymptomatic patients, who have the virus and can give it to others but show no symptoms, have become among China’s chief concerns in recent weeks. 

The country has closed off its borders to almost all foreigners as the virus spread globally, though most of the imported cases involve Chinese nationals returning from overseas.

The central government also has pushed local authorities to identify and isolate the asymptomatic patients.

The health commission said 47 new asymptomatic cases were reported in the mainland on Saturday, compared with 64 a day earlier.

Pictured above is deserted Hong Kong International Airport (Shown above)

Pictured above is deserted Hong Kong International Airport (Shown above)