Australians share their most controversial opinions about Melbourne in a hilarious Twitter thread

Australians who live in Melbourne have shared their most unpopular opinions about the city in a hilarious Twitter thread. 

Twitter user David Mejia-Canales posed the question ‘Melburnites what’s your most controversial Melbourne take?’ which sparked a barrage of responses. 

Dozens of Melburnians offered their hot takes claiming the coffee and restaurants were overrated, the city is too obsessed with AFL, the fickle weather is nothing to complain about, and that the Victorian capital is an eyesore. 

Twitter user, David Mejia-Canales posed the question ‘Melburnites what’s your most controversial Melbourne take?’ which sparked a barrage of responses

‘Melbourne is bereft of any natural beauty. The river is a dirty creek, beaches are awful, it’s just buildings on a paddock,’ one user wrote. 

‘Ugliest city in Australia to fly into by plane. I almost feel the need to apologise to non Melburians about it,’ another agreed. 

While Melbourne is thought to be the coffee capital of the world, many people in the thread disagreed.  

‘The coffee is not THAT good. (Logging off now and leaving the country now),’ one person responded.  

‘People go on about coffee and it’s really boring and pretentious,’ another said while a third claimed ‘I’ve been to other cities with a better coffee culture’. 

Others had a dig at the city’s obsession with the café, restaurant and bar culture dubbing it ‘overrated’.

‘Brunch is the most overrated meal of the day. I mean $18 for half an avocado?’ one woman questioned.  

‘Our cafes close way too early for us to be bragging about being the café culture capital,’ another wrote. 

‘All we do is eat and drink. Outside that we don’t have a lot going on,’ said a third. 

While Melbourne is thought to be the coffee capital of the world, many people in the thread disagreed.

While Melbourne is thought to be the coffee capital of the world, many people in the thread disagreed.

Some took to complaining about the city’s public transport system. 

‘Public transport is terrible here (but everyone says it’s great). It’s infrequent, unreliable, inaccessible, and incredibly expensive – $4.60 at the lowest. Everyone says: it’s better than Sydney – I don’t know if that’s true, but who cares? It should be better on its own terms, without resort to the comparative,’ one man tweeted.  

‘Trams combine the worst aspects of walking (slow) and peak hour trains (crowded),’ another joked. 

'Public transport is terrible here (but everyone says it's great),' one person said calling it 'infrequent, unreliable, inaccessible, and incredibly expensive'.

‘Public transport is terrible here (but everyone says it’s great),’ one person said calling it ‘infrequent, unreliable, inaccessible, and incredibly expensive’. 

A few responses said, despite its bad reputation for being unpredictable and cold, Melbourne’s weather isn’t as bad as it’s made out to be. 

‘The weather in Melbourne is better than Brisbane’s. We have seasons and also a lot of variation during the day, but except in late Jan-Feb you can be comfortable tailored clothes. I make people laugh by saying I moved here for the weather,’ one person wrote. 

‘Melbourne’s winter is nowhere near as cold as the people who grew up here think it is,’ a second agreed. 

Melbourne is known for its sporting culture and love of AFL but some Twitter users aren’t a fan with one saying the city ‘would be a better place without all the sporting’.

‘It’s possible to live without the slightest interest in football,’ another joked.  

Melbourne is known for its sporting culture and love of AFL but some Twitter users aren't a fan with one saying the city 'would be a better place without all the sportsing'.

Melbourne is known for its sporting culture and love of AFL but some Twitter users aren’t a fan with one saying the city ‘would be a better place without all the sportsing’.

More users offered their hot takes on topics like the long lockdown, bad beaches, and road rules.   

‘Melbourne does not have any actual beaches. No, bay ‘beaches’ do not count. They don’t have proper sand, or waves, and they face the wrong way,’ a person asserted.   

A second said: ‘The Sydney/Melbourne rivalry is unknown outside of Melbourne,’ 

‘The long lockdown of 2020 was actually great in lots of ways and I miss it,’ another admitted. 

‘Hook turns are easy and people need to stop freaking out about them,’ commented a fourth.