Ashley James EXCLUSIVE: DJ believes lockdown has been ‘a blessing’ for her relationship

Ashley James has shared a rare insight into her relationship with her boyfriend of eight months – namely that the UK’s COVID-19 lockdown has been ‘a blessing’ for them.

Speaking to MailOnline, the DJ, 33, who prefers to keep her new romance as private as possible, revealed that the couple decided to isolate together during the pandemic, and that they’re now moving in together for good.

‘We had already been self-isolating at my home together,’ Ashley said. ‘I had been feeling unwell a week or so before the lockdown was enforced and then it happened, so we thought “should we move in together for this?”

Seeing the positives: Ashley James has shared a rare insight into her relationship with her boyfriend of eight months – namely that the UK’s COVID-19 lockdown has been ‘a blessing’ for them

‘We didn’t know how long the lockdown would last but it looked likely that we were going to knuckle down for a few months.’

Ashley has been single for six years and, as an influencer, champions empowerment and self-love. And she admits her independence had meant lockdown was a struggle at first.

‘Both of us are independent people so it was difficult at the beginning,’ she said. ‘We had our teething problems. I had been independent and single for years. But really this has been the making of us.

‘He will move in properly after this. So actually its been a blessing – it has forced us to realise we were right for each other sooner.’

Reaping the rewards: Speaking to MailOnline, the DJ, 33, who prefers to keep her new romance as private as possible, revealed that the couple decided to isolate together during the pandemic, and that they're now moving in together for good

Reaping the rewards: Speaking to MailOnline, the DJ, 33, who prefers to keep her new romance as private as possible, revealed that the couple decided to isolate together during the pandemic, and that they’re now moving in together for good

Ashley admits that the pair have learnt how to co-exist as independent people, yet become closer as a result. 

‘We have respected each other’s space and, in lockdown, we have got to know each other’s families via Zoom calls,’ she said.

Ashley appeared on Celebrity Big Brother three years ago and likens lockdown to her experience in the house, only ‘with a health concern, internet access and no Ann Widdecombe’.

Ashley experienced her own worries amid COVID-19, with her 92-year-old grandmother being high risk due to her age and her past battle with cancer.

Going strong: Ashley admits that the pair have learnt how to co-exist as independent people, yet become closer as a result

Going strong: Ashley admits that the pair have learnt how to co-exist as independent people, yet become closer as a result 

Getaway: Ashley and her beau are currently in France staying with his parents

Getaway: Ashley and her beau are currently in France staying with his parents

Thanks to this, Ashley has been more than happy to team up with Evian to offer ket workers during the health crisis VIP tickets to Wimbledon 2021.

‘It’s a cool campaign. COVID has helped us all have a new appreciation for key workers and this allows us to celebrate their dedication,’ she explained. ‘This will allow them to come to the Evian space, drink champagne, eat strawberries and delicious food and enjoy the tennis court-side.

‘Its also a way of giving us hope and looking forward to next year. With everything that’s been canceled this year, next year will be bigger and better. I feel like I am good at looking on the bright side and have tried to in these testing times.

‘This year has helped us to realise not to take anything for granted. COVID has proven that anything can be taken from us at any time. It’s been frightening but also humbling.’

Ashley revealed that many of her followers are doctors and nurses, and that they have reached out to her during the pandemic.

Ashley champions body confidence and took to Instagram this week to post a candid snap of her in her underwear, captioning it: 'The best thing I did in lockdown was buy bigger clothes and not worry about the sizing'

Ashley champions body confidence and took to Instagram this week to post a candid snap of her in her underwear, captioning it: ‘The best thing I did in lockdown was buy bigger clothes and not worry about the sizing’

Elaborating on this, she told us: 'Its sad that life can pass some people by because they are fixated on body image. But we are all normal and we are all victims to unrealistic beauty standards'

Elaborating on this, she told us: ‘Its sad that life can pass some people by because they are fixated on body image. But we are all normal and we are all victims to unrealistic beauty standards’

‘These people have been on the front line but also still worrying about things like their weight and their love life. They’ve messaged me because they’re feeling overwhelmed with worries about when all this will end. They’re worried about whether they will ever date again – worried about work becoming their entire lives.

‘I am all about single positivity. It breaks my heart when people put pressure on themselves to be in a relationship. That might just lead them to be in the wrong relationship.’

Ashley champions body confidence and took to Instagram this week to post a candid snap of her in her underwear, captioning it: ‘The best thing I did in lockdown was buy bigger clothes and not worry about the sizing.

‘Hands up if you’re obsessing over the number on some scales, or the size of your clothes? The most liberating thing you can do is throw away your scales and stop seeing a dress size as important!’

Elaborating on this, she told us: ‘Its sad that life can pass some people by because they are fixated on body image. But we are all normal and we are all victims to unrealistic beauty standards.

Ashley said: 'I believe influencers and celebrities should show their true selves on social media. I was insecure when I was a lingerie model – and you'd think if lingerie models are insecure then what hope is there?'

Ashley said: ‘I believe influencers and celebrities should show their true selves on social media. I was insecure when I was a lingerie model – and you’d think if lingerie models are insecure then what hope is there?’

‘I believe influencers and celebrities should show their true selves on social media. I was insecure when I was a lingerie model – and you’d think if lingerie models are insecure then what hope is there?

‘I am also a performance coach and I like to help people find perspective – not worry about the number on the scale. When lockdown happened I bought bigger tracksuit bottoms and just made sure I still got exercise by walking the dog.

‘It’s definitely unrealistic to expect everyone to be running or doing work outs in this time. And I like that I can do my small part to help people.

‘I heard something the other day that made a lot of sense: Even though we are all in the same storm, we are all in different boats!’

Ashley James has teamed up with Evian to offer key workers the chance to win tickets to The Championships, Wimbledon 2021. As a long-standing sponsor, Evian is dedicating a day of hospitality to key workers to thank them for their tireless work during the coronavirus relief efforts. To nominate a key worker to win tickets, visit the Evian Instagram page.