Around 1.4 million Britons face travel chaos as government introduces two-week quarantine

Around 1.4 million Britons face travel chaos after a mandatory two-week quarantine upon landing in the UK was introduced following a sudden rise in Covid-19 cases in the popular holiday destination.

More than 600,000 British holidaymakers in Spain are already grappling with the sudden change in regulation – with hundreds of thousands more set to travel in the coming weeks, The Times reports.

Queues of home-bound travellers have reacted with anger and confusion as they prepared to board a plane from Madrid on Sunday morning.

The government suddenly pulled its air bridge with Spain with almost immediate effect this week following a spike of coronavirus cases in the country.

The move, which came into effect from midnight yesterday, means anyone returning to Britain from Spain faces an automatic fortnight-long quarantine at home.

The rules apply to all regions of Spain, including the Canary and Balearic islands – though politicians in the latter say they are attempting to thrash out a regional air bridge.

‘Panicked’ British tourists heading home from Spain face a two-week quarantine when they arrive home after the government made its bombshell announcement on Saturday to scrap its air bridge. Pictured: Britons queue at Madrid airport for a flight home

A row has also broken out after Dominic Raab insisted Britons cannot be penalised by their employers for having to quarantine. 

The Foreign Secretary claimed on Sunday morning that isolating Britons cannot legally face any penalties for following the rules. 

However, leading lawyers were quick to refute Mr Raab’s claims, with warnings that tourists could be sacked for staying off work. 

Grahame Anderson, an employment barrister, warned on Sunday: ‘If you come back from Spain today and your boss says you have to be in work on Monday, there’s not a great deal you can do if they say ”well if you don’t come in I’m not going to pay you”.

‘And if you haven’t been there for two years, you’ve got very little protection against being dismissed as well.’

The barrister’s words came after Mr Raab told Sky News’ Sophy Ridge On Sunday programme that no worker following quarantine guidance should be penalised by employers –

He said: ‘We expect employers to show those employees who will have to quarantine because of the law (change) the flexibility they need

‘If someone is following the law in relation to quarantine and self-isolating the way they should, they can’t have penalties taken against them.’ 

Queues of home-bound Britons yesterday reacted with anger and confusion as they prepared to board a plane from Madrid on Sunday morning

Queues of home-bound Britons yesterday reacted with anger and confusion as they prepared to board a plane from Madrid on Sunday morning

It comes after the government this week suddenly pulled its air bridge with Spain with almost immediate effect, following a spike of coronavirus cases in the country, including in popular holiday hot-spots, such as the Catalonia region. Pictured: One passenger wears a face mask and goggles at Madrid Airport

It comes after the government this week suddenly pulled its air bridge with Spain with almost immediate effect, following a spike of coronavirus cases in the country, including in popular holiday hot-spots, such as the Catalonia region. Pictured: One passenger wears a face mask and goggles at Madrid Airport

Passengers react in a check-in desk at Palma de Mallorca airport, Balearics in Spain on Sunday

Passengers react in a check-in desk at Palma de Mallorca airport, Balearics in Spain on Sunday

The rules apply to all regions of Spain, including the Canary and Balearic islands (pictured)

The rules apply to all regions of Spain, including the Canary and Balearic islands (pictured)

A couple look up at screens displaying info about check-in desks at Palma de Mallorca airport, Balearics

A couple look up at screens displaying info about check-in desks at Palma de Mallorca airport, Balearics

British holidaymakers in Benidorm on the beaches & in hotel pools yesterday after the news that they will need to quarantine for two weeks on their return too the UK

British holidaymakers in Benidorm on the beaches & in hotel pools yesterday after the news that they will need to quarantine for two weeks on their return too the UK

Spirits appeared to be high among Britons in Benidorm, Spain yesterday despite the news they will have to quarantine for two weeks when heading back to the UK

Spirits appeared to be high among Britons in Benidorm, Spain yesterday despite the news they will have to quarantine for two weeks when heading back to the UK 

Britons in Benidorm enjoying the sun despite the new quarantine rule. The move, which came into effect from midnight, means anyone returning to Britain from Spain faces an automatic fortnight-long quarantine at home

Britons in Benidorm enjoying the sun despite the new quarantine rule. The move, which came into effect from midnight, means anyone returning to Britain from Spain faces an automatic fortnight-long quarantine at home

Although Britons in Benidorm seemed to be soaking up the sun and enjoying themselves, there was fury among tourists heading back to the UK

Although Britons in Benidorm seemed to be soaking up the sun and enjoying themselves, there was fury among tourists heading back to the UK 

There was fury among travellers heading back to the UK yesterday. 

One Briton, who wished to remain anonymous, said they had been working on an NHS project during lockdown and, having taken a short holiday, now faced a fortnight-long quarantine.

The ‘disgusted’ holidaymaker said the project could now be delayed as a result.

Speaking to MailOnline, they said: ‘We have worked on an NHS project for 14 weeks, seven days a week without a break.

‘Our first chance to to get a holiday as a family, we are now facing the prospect of 14 day quarantine and the project failing to finish on time as it still has 4 weeks to go until completion and we will not be there.

‘No notice. No chance for us to get back in time. Unbelievable. What thanks for the hard work and efforts we have put in.’

Labour blasts ‘shambolic’ decision to axe quarantine-free travel to Spain – and Transport Secretary Grant Shapps among those facing two weeks in quarantine after jetting off on holiday

Ministers were blasted over their ‘shambolic’ decision to reimpose quarantine on arrivals from Spain after it emerged that even Transport Secretary Grant Shapps had been caught out by the speed of the move.

Furious British holidaymakers face two-weeks of self isolation after the Government changed its travel advice after they had already headed to the Costas.

Mr Shapps is set to be among those facing quarantine after jetting out on holiday to Spain.

Labour’s shadow health secretary Jon Ashworth blasted the speed of the decision and the way it had been broken by a journalist on Twitter.

He told Sky’s Ridge on Sunday: ‘I understand why they have made the decision. But the way the decision has been made in the last 24 hours is frankly shambolic.

‘There are holidaymakers in Spain at the moment confused and distressed, there are people about to go on holiday to Spain and the islands like Tenerife who are confused. They don’t know if their employers will allow them to take two weeks’ quarantine.’ 

Responding to Mr Shapps’ predicament he added: ‘You couldn’t make it up. Grant Shapps is over there on holiday in Spain when he is the Transport Secretary.

‘I think that tells you everything about the Government’s approach to this.’ 

Dominic Raab refused to apologise for reimposing quarantine on travel to Spain despite the fury of British holidaymakers who have already headed to the Costas.

The Foreign Secretary defended the decision by the Department for Transport to remove the country from a list of safe destinations in the wake of a spike in coronavirus cases.

Appearing on television this morning he said the decision had been taken yesterday based on data received and analysed on Friday.  

He told Sky’s Ridge on Sunday: ‘The cases in Spain, the data came we got was on the Friday, showed a big jump right across mainland Spain, that was then assessed yesterday afternoon and we took the decision as swiftly as we could.

‘And we can’t make apologies for doing so. We must be able to take swift, decisive action, particularly in relation to localised, or internationally in relation to Spain or a particular country, where we see we must take action.

‘Otherwise, we risk re-infection into the UK, potentially a second wave here and then another lockdown.

‘So yes, I understand it is disruptive for those going through this who are in Spain or have been considering going but we must though be able to take swift, decisive action to protect the UK because we’ve made such progress in getting the virus down and prevent the virus re-taking hold in the UK.’     

Meanwhile, one Briton at Madrid’s Barajas airport, Emily Harrison, from Essex, said: ‘It’s really bad because it’s just come all of a sudden, it’s not given very much time to prepare so everyone is now panicking.

‘It ruins plans for everybody. We had a wedding to go to and we had plans to visit friends and family who we haven’t seen in a very long time and now we are going to have to cancel all those plans, so it’s really quiet upsetting.’

Passengers arriving to Gatwick Airport from Spain on Sunday morning also expressed their frustration at the change to travel quarantine rules.

Those disembarking from a flight from Barcelona that landed shortly before 9am now face two weeks of self-isolation.

Philip Bradby, 55, and Marina Wilson, 40, from Bournemouth, said they had returned from holiday early due to the shut down of the travel corridor with Spain.

‘I think it’s quite poor that they did it so instantaneously,’ Mr Bradby said.

Thomas Wright, 27, a carpenter from north London, who was returning from a business trip to Barcelona, said the quarantine rule change will affect him ‘quite badly’ as he will be unable to work.

‘I suppose, to be honest with you, I should have left travelling to a later date,’ he said.

‘It’s inconveniencing me quite a lot because the last lockdown was straining on the old head.’

Ms Wilson, who has a nine-year-old daughter, said: ‘They basically changed the rules halfway through which puts us in a very awkward position and lot’s of things to arrange.’  

Jill Witte, 53, arriving back in the country with her two daughters and husband, said the quarantine rule changes would ‘massively’ inconvenience the family.

‘We were shocked, it didn’t look like that was coming, otherwise we wouldn’t have gone,’ she said.

Another 24-year-old traveller from Surrey, who only gave her name as Hannah, said the rule change would affect family plans and her work.

‘We were supposed to return work at the beginning of August, so I’m now going to have to stay away again for another week,’ she said.

The Foreign Secretary Dominic Rabb defended the decision, saying it was taken based on data and analysis.

Mr Raab told Sky’s Ridge on Sunday: ‘The cases in Spain, the data came we got was on the Friday, showed a big jump right across mainland Spain, that was then assessed yesterday afternoon and we took the decision as swiftly as we could.

‘And we can’t make apologies for doing so. We must be able to take swift, decisive action, particularly in relation to localised, or internationally in relation to Spain or a particular country, where we see we must take action.

‘Otherwise, we risk re-infection into the UK, potentially a second wave here and then another lockdown.

‘So yes, I understand it is disruptive for those going through this who are in Spain or have been considering going but we must though be able to take swift, decisive action to protect the UK because we’ve made such progress in getting the virus down and prevent the virus re-taking hold in the UK.’

Spain was one of the worst hit countries in Europe by the coronavirus pandemic, with more than 290,000 cases and over 28,000 deaths.

It imposed very strict lockdown measures to contain the spread, gradually easing them earlier in the summer.

Spain had been on a list of 74 countries that the British government had said were safe for travellers to visit – meaning tourists returning home would not have to go into quarantine.

But it has seen a surge of cases in the last few weeks, prompting most regions to impose rules for masks to be worn everywhere and, in several areas including Barcelona, calls for people to stay at home.

The British decision follows steps by Norway on Friday to re-impose a 10-day quarantine requirement for people arriving from Spain, while France advised people not to travel to Spain’s northeastern region of Catalonia. 

Balearic Islands’ government chiefs say they are pinning their hopes on establishing ‘safe air corridors’ with the UK to save their summer season and the holiday hopes of thousands of Brits.

They confirmed overnight they were working with the Spanish and UK governments to set up the scheme for islands like Majorca and Ibiza. 

In a statement on its website, the islands’ government said: ‘We ave been working over the last few hours to establish the basis for a safe air corridor with the UK, following the British government’s quarantine imposition for all holidaymakers returning from Spain.

Queues of Britons were seeing waiting to check-in for an Ryanair flight back to England

Queues of Britons were seeing waiting to check-in for an Ryanair flight back to England

Philip Bradby, 55, and Marina Wilson, 40, from Bournemouth, said they had returned from holiday early due to the shut down of the travel corridor with Spain

Philip Bradby, 55, and Marina Wilson, 40, from Bournemouth, said they had returned from holiday early due to the shut down of the travel corridor with Spain

Jill Witte, 53, arriving back in the country with her two daughters and husband, said the quarantine rule changes would 'massively' inconvenience the family

Jill Witte, 53, arriving back in the country with her two daughters and husband, said the quarantine rule changes would ‘massively’ inconvenience the family

Thomas Wright, 27, a carpenter from north London, who was returning from a business trip to Barcelona, said the quarantine rule change will affect him 'quite badly' as he will be unable to work

Thomas Wright, 27, a carpenter from north London, who was returning from a business trip to Barcelona, said the quarantine rule change will affect him ‘quite badly’ as he will be unable to work

Spain was one of the worst hit countries in Europe by the coronavirus pandemic, with more than 290,000 cases and over 28,000 deaths. Pictured: Passengers arrive at Gatwick airport

Spain was one of the worst hit countries in Europe by the coronavirus pandemic, with more than 290,000 cases and over 28,000 deaths. Pictured: Passengers arrive at Gatwick airport

‘The British government’s decision has caused great concern in the Balearic Islands’ government, given that it will cause serious problems to tourist activity in our islands.

‘One of the main arguments justifying the creation of a safe air corridor between the islands and the UK is the health situation here.

‘The islands have had eight confirmed Covid-19 cases per 100,000 inhabitants over the past fortnight, whereas in the UK the figure is 14,1 and in Spain as a whole, 37,9.’

Meanwhile, speaking after the announcement of the new two-week quarantine rule, aviation analyst Alex Macheras, said: ‘This is going to be incredibly messy. The problem we have is the timing with the traditional holiday period, so there’s this expectation people should be away.

What advice are travel companies and airlines giving to customers about travelling to Spain? 

British Airways has called the government’s decision to cut its air bridge with Spain as a ‘blow for British holidaymakers’.

However the firm said it would continue its flights to and from Spain.

A spokesperson for British Airways told The Mirror: ‘While our flights continue to operate, this is sadly yet another blow for British holidaymakers and cannot fail to have an impact on an already troubled aviation industry.’

Meanwhile easyJet yesterday announced via social media that it would also continue flights to Spain, for now.

The budget airline said customers would be offered ‘some flexibility’ with bookings if they wished to cancelled – including a free transfer of flights or a voucher for the value of their booking.

Budget airline easyJet yesterday announced via social media that it would also continue flights to Spain, for now

Budget airline easyJet yesterday announced via social media that it would also continue flights to Spain, for now

In a tweet, the airline said: ‘We are monitoring the situation and continue to provide some flexibility for those who, if they no longer wish to travel, can transfer flights without a change fee or receive a voucher for the value of their booking.

‘We plan to operate our full schedule in the coming days.’

Holiday firm TUI, the UK’s biggest tour operator, has cancelled all flights to Spain.

The news, announced Saturday night, is in line with the operator’s policy not to fly customers to countries which require them to quarantine on their return.

Andrew Flintham, managing director of Tui UK and Ireland, told Sky News: ‘We’re incredibly disappointed that we didn’t get more notice of this announcement, or that this decision wasn’t made yesterday, as many Brits travel on holiday at the weekend. 

‘The health and safety of our customers and colleagues is always our highest priority and welcome travel advice that protects those that holiday with us.’ 


‘They were calling them air bridges and said go and enjoy your holiday. But there was never a strategy to make air travel and Covid-19 as safe as possible.

‘They have encouraged hundreds of thousands to go to Spain, and I don’t think this will be the only country where we see this.

‘For the airlines, this will be a second repatriation of Brits. It’s a nightmare.’ 

The Foreign Office also issued a statement explaining that people must halt all plans to travel to Spain unless essential because the country has seen a spike in coronavirus cases.

This comes after holidaymakers in Spain were hit with a nightmare of two-weeks in quarantine after the British government imposed a snap decision to axe it from the safe travel list.

UK holidaymakers in Spain are facing a two-week quarantine after the country was hit by a new outbreak of coronavirus

UK holidaymakers in Spain are facing a two-week quarantine after the country was hit by a new outbreak of coronavirus

Bathers enjoy the beach in Cadiz, in southern Spain, on July 24

Bathers enjoy the beach in Cadiz, in southern Spain, on July 24 

Tourists in Spain faced a race against time to fly back home to avoid the mandatory two-week quarantine

Tourists in Spain faced a race against time to fly back home to avoid the mandatory two-week quarantine

Tourists faced agony over whether to try to get back before the midnight deadline, while those who have booked to go away in the future were forced to consider whether to cancel. 

Neil Hunter, 45, from Sittingbourne in Kent, had booked a 10-day break to Lanzarote, leaving on Tuesday. The trip had been booked since last December.

He told the PA news agency: ‘We were going as a family, my wife Amanda, and teenage daughter Bethany but to be honest, since this announcement, I’m unsure what’s going to happen as I work as a train driver, and I don’t think my employer will accept me having to isolate due to going on holiday.

Is global second wave ALREADY upon us? Nearly 40 nations report record single-day rises in Covid cases as public lose faith in governments’ handling of crisis 

Almost 40 countries have reported record single-day increases in coronavirus infections, as the World Health Organisation warns there is no return to the ‘old normal’.

The rate of cases has been rapidly increasing in the United States, Brazil, India, Japan and Australia, among others. 

Hong Kong, Bolivia, Sudan and Ethiopia have also seen rises in cases, according to a Reuters tally. 

The data, compiled from official reports, shows a steady rise in the number of countries reporting record daily increases in coronavirus cases across the past month. 

Bulgaria, Belgium, Uzbekistan and Israel have also seen record single-day rises across the past month, according to Reuters.

Three weeks ago, at least seven countries had reported record increases, which rose to at least 13 countries two weeks ago. 

After rising to at least 20 countries last week, the number of countries that have reported record daily increases has now reached 37. 

A new daily record figure has been recorded in Spain, which is said to be likely to deter tourists from visiting one of the continent’s most popular destinations.

A separate survey has also shown that the world has set a new record for the highest daily increase in coronavirus infections.

More than 280,000 new cases were recorded globally on both Thursday and Friday, the highest daily rises since the virus emerged, according to an AFP count based on official sources. 

Friday’s tally of 282,042 was marginally down on Thursday’s single-day record 284,661 but still shows an alarming uptick in the spread of the virus. 

This comes after the WHO has warned everyone to treat their behaviour amid the coronavirus pandemic as ‘life-and-death decisions’.

‘We will not be going back to the ‘old normal’. The pandemic has already changed the way we live our lives,’ World Health Organization (WHO) Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said this week. 

‘We’re asking everyone to treat the decisions about where they go, what they do and who they meet with as life-and-death decisions – because they are.’ 

A separate report has also showed that governments are quickly losing support for their handling of the pandemic.

A survey, released on Saturday, showed that faith in authorities in dwindling across six nations, as governments worldwide have struggled to contain the virus. 

People widely believe that death and infection figures are higher than recorded in France, Germany, Britain, Japan, Sweden and the US widely believed death and infection figures to be higher than recorded, according to a study which polled 1,000 people in each nation.

‘In most countries this month, support for national governments is falling,’ the report by the Kekst CNC communications consulting group said.

The United States has this week passed more than 4 million cases and recorded more than 1,000 deaths for four consecutive days. 

Brazil and India, which epidemiologists say is still likely months away from hitting its peak, have also exceeded one million cases. 

In Australia, officials enforced a six-week partial lockdown and made face masks mandatory for residents in the country’s second-largest city, Melbourne, after a fresh outbreak. 

After Mexico posted a daily record this week, officials warned that a downward trend in case numbers that began in mid-June could reverse.   

Based on the rate of hospital admissions over the past week, Mexico City Mayor Claudia Sheinbaum said hospitalisation levels by October could exceed those registered in June.

She said: ‘It is important to recognise that if we do not change the trend, there could be exponential growth.’ 

Kenya recorded a high daily case number less than two weeks after reopening domestic passenger flights.   

President Uhuru Kenyatta, who had announced international flights would resume on August 1, has called officials to an emergency meeting on Monday to discuss the surge in cases.   

On Saturday, South Korea reported its highest infections figure in nearly four months, and in Vietnam the first locally-transmitted case in nearly 100 days was detected. 

This comes after authorities in China said, on Friday, that they would introduce a new wave of testing in the port city of Dalian, home to about six million people, after fresh infections were detected there. 

The local government’s health commission said the city must ‘enter wartime mode’ to prevent further any spread. 

It also announced on-the-spot nucleic acid tests for people using the subway system and will impose new lockdowns for some communities. 

The WHO’s European chapter has expressed concern about the rise in cases on the continent in the past two weeks and warned tighter restrictions may be needed. 

‘The recent resurgence in COVID-19 cases in some countries following the easing of physical distancing measures is certainly cause for concern,’ a WHO Europe spokeswoman told AFP.

‘If the situation demands, reintroduction of stricter, targeted measures with the full engagement of communities may be needed.’ 

Nearly a third of the world’s 15.8 million infections have been registered since July 1, while the total death toll nears 640,000. 

‘I am insured, but unsure whether they’d accept that as a reason for not going, especially if Hays Travel don’t cancel for me. There’s no way I could afford to cancel myself.’

He said he understood why the decision had been taken, but that it ‘is a lot of money and disappointing all the same’.

Sophie Ingham, 23, flew to Tenerife with her boyfriend Nick Baldwin a week ago and she says she has been left confused by the lack of guidance over the new quarantine.

Speaking to MailOnline she said: ‘We were shocked. 

‘I think it’s ridiculous, we’ve only been here a week and we’ve followed all the rules. We have worn masks when we needed to and not been close to anyone other than each other.

‘We don’t even know if it definitely includes us as it is just mainland Spain that is suffering a second spike, so does this include the islands?

‘It’s all unclear and upsetting as we really cannot quarantine.’

Having boarded their flight home, Sophie claimed that the air stewards were not even aware of the new quarantine rule. 

The couple are now in the air and expect to arrive at Leeds airport around 2.50am.

Having boarded their flight home, Sophie claimed that the air stewards were not even aware of the new quarantine rule.

The decision – sparked by a surge of cases in the country –  will affect thousands who had gone on holiday to the Mediterranean hotspot after being told it would be safe.

Spain’s outbreak bottomed out at fewer than 250 new cases a day in June, but the Spanish government is now registering around 1,000 new cases daily. 

The Department for Transport confirmed that travellers returning to any of the UK nations from Spain after midnight on Saturday will have to self-isolate for two weeks as the country has been removed from the travel corridors exemption list.

With the news about the two-week quarantine having seemingly come out of the blue, many Britons were left debating whether to rush home and end their holidays early to avoid the quarantine. 

Now, a Government spokesperson has said that Spain has been removed from the travel corridors exemption list.

In a statement the Foreign Office said: ‘The Joint Biosecurity Centre together with Public Health England have updated their coronavirus assessments of Spain based on the latest data. As a result, Spain has been removed from the lists of countries from which passengers arriving in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland are exempted from the need to self-isolate.

‘Protecting public health is our absolute priority and we have taken this decision to limit any potential spread to the UK.

‘We’ve always been clear that we would act immediately to remove a country where necessary. Both our list of quarantine exemptions and the FCO travel advice are being updated to reflect these latest risk assessments.’

They added that British people already in Spain should follow local health rules and return home as normal, then self-isolate on their return.

A Foreign Office statement also confirmed that: ‘PHE are continuing to monitor the situation in the Balearic and Canary Islands closely. Travellers there should continue to check this advice regularly.’

Scotland’s first minister Nicola Sturgeon was the first to confirm the news that Scots returning from Spain will have to quarantine for 14 days. 

The dramatic change in rules leaves the airbridge scheme – designed to stop quarantines between selected countries – in tatters.

And the drive to promote confidence in the struggling travel industry will also be badly hit by the developments.  

Chloe Harris, 23 from Kent, booked a last-minute trip to Lanzarote and arrived on the Spanish island this morning.

She told the PA news agency: ‘At the moment we are just waiting to hear whether the quarantine will affect the Spanish islands or if it is just going to be the mainland.

‘When I heard the news I was quite shocked because I thought they would have given us some warning. Even just some warning that this was something they were going to consider.

‘We only booked the trip on Wednesday and we are only here for a few days. We had done our research and we knew that the island has only had a small number of Covid cases.

‘I think a lot of people are going to rush to the airport, but because we are only here for four days, and we only arrived this morning, it doesn’t seem worth it. We are just going to wait and hear if the island is included in the quarantine.

‘I would probably be fine to continue working from home and quarantine from home, although I would have to stop going into the office. However, my friend who I travelled with is due to start a new job on August 3 and so that’s going to be difficult to explain to her employer.’ 

John Blackmore, from Hampshire, was due to fly out to his family in Spain with his wife and two young children. But the new rules mean he has had to cancel, for fears his wife’s employer would not be able to accommodate her taking an extra two weeks off to quarantine on their return.

He said it was unlikely they would get a refund for the flight, as it has not been cancelled.

‘I’m devastated,’ he told the BBC. ‘I have family in Spain who haven’t seen their only grandkids since Christmas.’ 

Divina Encarnación tweeted: ‘I just landed in Spain, how and when are we supposed to get back? The UK government is a joke, thanks for ruining my holidays.’

While Alasdair Murray tweeted to say it would have been better if all flights had just been cancelled instead. 

MailOnline’s Rebecca Davison is in Minorca and speaking about the new quarantine rule she said: ‘We were hoping that, not being on the mainland because it’s so quiet and deserted here that we would be exempt, that it would only be the mainland bit of Spain the rule would apply to. 

‘So we were a little bit surprised to hear that it was here as well because everyone is wearing a mask in the street and there aren’t that many people around.

‘It just seems like it would be safer here than back home.’ 

Which? travel editor Rory Boland spoke for many when he questioned why the change had not been carried out earlier.

He said: ‘Why on earth was this decision not taken 48hrs ago, when it was clear there was a problem with Spain, and before tens of thousands of UK holidaymakers flew out on Friday as the summer hols started?’

Paul Charles, CEO of the travel consultancy The PC Agency, also took to Twitter to question the move and he said: ‘Surprised that and didn’t alter #Spain travel advice yesterday when #France #Germany and #Norway did. Interesting to see a blanket #Spain advisory instead of a regional one just for #Catalonia. Indicates depth of #UKGovt concern on #Spain.’

The new quarantine being imposed on inbound tourists from Spain will also impact on Prime Minister Boris Johnson's drive to get Britons to 'go back into work if they can'

The new quarantine being imposed on inbound tourists from Spain will also impact on Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s drive to get Britons to ‘go back into work if they can’

Sophie Ingham (pictured left), 23, flew to Tenerife with her boyfriend Nick Baldwin (pictured right) a week ago and are among the first Brits expected to have to quarantine when they arrive back home

Sophie Ingham (pictured left), 23, flew to Tenerife with her boyfriend Nick Baldwin (pictured right) a week ago and are among the first Brits expected to have to quarantine when they arrive back home 

Couple among first to be quarantined from Spain blast ‘ridiculous’ government ruling 

Sophie Ingham, 23, flew to Tenerife with her boyfriend Nick Baldwin a week ago and she says she has been left confused by the lack of guidance over the new quarantine.

Speaking to MailOnline she said: ‘We were shocked. 

‘I think it’s ridiculous, we’ve only been here a week and we’ve followed all the rules. We have worn masks when we needed to and not been close to anyone other than each other.

‘We don’t even know if it definitely includes us as it is just mainland Spain that is suffering a second spike, so does this include the islands?

‘It’s all unclear and upsetting as we really cannot quarantine.’

She and her boyfriend are now anxiously waiting at the airport trying to return home before the quarantine is imposed but are unclear whether the midnight deadline affects aircraft that were already out of Spain before the cut off.

‘We fly at 22:10 and land at 02:50 so we have no idea if the quarantine will affect us as the news just says from Sunday Morning.’

She also said that: ‘The government knew the risks when they opened the air bridges and now they are hanging travellers out to dry when a lot of people will not be able to quarantine. 

Sophie Ingham (pictured right), 23, flew to Tenerife with her boyfriend Nick Baldwin (pictured left) a week ago and she says she has been left confused by the lack of guidance over the new quarantine

Sophie Ingham (pictured right), 23, flew to Tenerife with her boyfriend Nick Baldwin (pictured left) a week ago and she says she has been left confused by the lack of guidance over the new quarantine

Minister Simon Clarke said: ‘Britain now has only 9.6 cases per million versus the EU’s average of 12.5. We cannot put this at risk.’

In a typical year, around 18 million Britons travel to Spain for holidays, although numbers are currently reduced because of the pandemic. And 400,000 Britons have a second home there.

Ibiza and Mallorca tourism chiefs launch desperate bid to open ‘safe air corridors’ with the UK

Balearic Islands officials have launched a desperate bid to establish ‘safe air corridors’ with the UK to save their summer season and the holiday hopes of thousands of Brits after the government axed Spain from its save travel list.

They confirmed overnight they were working with the Spanish and UK governments to set up the scheme for islands like Majorca and Ibiza.   

The Balearic Islands’ government said in a statement late Saturday night: ‘Great Britain has excluded the Balearic Islands from its recommendation to its citizens not to travel to Spain, something which means that travel insurance is still valid.

‘The Balearic Islands’ government has been working over the last few hours to establish the basis for a safe air corridor with the UK, following the British government’s quarantine imposition for all holidaymakers returning from Spain.

‘The British government’s decision has caused great concern in the Balearic Islands’ government, given that it will cause serious problems to tourist activity in our islands.

‘One of the main arguments justifying the creation of a safe air corridor between the islands and the UK is the health situation here.

‘The islands have had eight confirmed Covid-19 cases per 100,000 inhabitants over the past fortnight, whereas in the UK the figure is 14,1 and in Spain as a whole, 37,9.’

Spain’s rise in cases started just a fortnight after its ‘state of alarm’ ended on June 21. A study found three weeks ago that just five per cent of its population had antibodies to the virus, suggesting most people had not been infected.

Speaking about the quarantine decision, Benidorm Mayor Toni Perez said: ‘We very much regret it. In Benidorm we’ve worked a lot to minimise the risks and we haven’t got any problems here at the moment.

‘It’s a very safe destination with beaches which are very well organised and businesses which have established protocols and are applying them.

‘The problem in Spain is in certain areas, but in the end this decision affects us all and especially resorts like ours whose main market is British.

‘We are going to continue working along the lines we have been up to now, knowing that what we’ve been doing has been done well and that we offer a safe destination thanks to the hard work of everyone here.’

He added: ‘These questions of quarantine are something we can’t control but Benidorm will continue to welcome those who want to come here and will continue to offer visitors including foreign tourists maximum health security.’

Toni Mayor, president of the Benidorm and Costa Blanca hotel association Hosbec, described the UK quarantine news as a ‘hammer blow.’

He said: ‘It couldn’t have come at a worse time. It was looking pretty good from August 1.

‘Bookings were up including family bookings and around 85 per cent of our hotels were going to be open and we were looking forward to having at least something of a normal summer.

‘This announcement is going to bring everything crashing down.

‘The British tourists who are already here have got no other option but to stay and self-isolate when they return.

‘But I fear a lot of those who were going to come are now going to cancel.

‘There’s got to be a question mark over whether the tour operators are going to carry on operating as planned.

‘It’s not just places like Benidorm that’s going to suffer, other popular holiday destinations like the Canaries and Majorca are going to be hard hit too.

‘The UK is 18 million holidaymakers every year and the British are Spain’s number one holiday market.’

Chloe Harris (right), 23 from Kent, booked a last-minute trip to Lanzarote and arrived on the Spanish island on Sunday morning

Chloe Harris (right), 23 from Kent, booked a last-minute trip to Lanzarote and arrived on the Spanish island on Sunday morning

Five flights from Spain to Belfast expected as Northern Ireland closes air bridge 

Holidaymakers returning from Spain to Northern Ireland on Sunday morning will have to quarantine for 14 days over fears of a second wave in Covid cases.

The air bridge with Spain was closed from midnight.

The decision comes after Spain reported more than 900 new daily infections for the past two days.

The decision means those coming back from the popular holiday destination, including its islands, will have to self-isolate for two weeks upon their return to Northern Ireland. 

Health Minister Robin Swann said: ‘The decision to remove Spain from the exempt list was not taken lightly.

‘I have always said I will move swiftly and take the necessary action to ensure our citizens are protected.

‘I have spoken with my counterparts across the UK today and we agree that the recent upsurge in new positive cases in different parts of Spain are a cause for concern.

‘As of midnight tonight, anyone returning or visiting Northern Ireland from Spain, including its islands, will be required to quarantine for 14 days.

‘I will continue to monitor the situation in Spain and other countries, and make the changes to the regulations when necessary.’

He added: ‘There were hotels in Benidorm which were going to open on August 1 with the increased number of British arrivals that will end up staying closed now, and others that had opened but could shut following this announcement.

‘There’s bound to be question marks now about whether the Spanish government should have allowed discos and pubs to open so quickly.

‘But the reality here is this pandemia has been a learning experience for all of us.

‘It’s a very complicated situation. I think we can wave goodbye to any hopes of a normal summer now with this announcement.

‘I’m obviously very concerned about the outlook for the future.’

The new quarantine will also come as devastating news to the tourism industry which had only just begun to awaken.

British Airways said the Government’s change to travel quarantine rules in relation to Spain were ‘yet another blow for British holidaymakers’.

In a statement, the airline said: ‘While our flights continue to operate, we are disappointed that the Government is now advising against all but essential travel to mainland Spain and re-introducing quarantine for holidaymakers returning from Spain with immediate effect, throwing thousands of Britons’ travel plans into chaos.

‘This is sadly yet another blow for British holidaymakers and cannot fail to have an impact on an already troubled aviation industry.’

Airlines UK, the industry association representing UK-registered carriers, said in a statement: ‘The advice is clear that people already in Spain should return home as per normal and check the FCO travel pages.

‘Public health must be the priority but this shows why regional travel corridors need to be considered, so that travel to safe parts of a red country can continue.

‘We also need to see the introduction of testing at UK airports so that those who are Covid negative can continue to travel without the need to self-isolate upon arrival.

‘We will continue to work closely with Government to protect public health whilst keeping air travel and the wider economy open.’

Which? travel editor Rory Boland tweeted to ask why a quarantine was not imposed on returning tourists sooner with all signs from Spain pointing to a second outbreak of coronavirus

Which? travel editor Rory Boland tweeted to ask why a quarantine was not imposed on returning tourists sooner with all signs from Spain pointing to a second outbreak of coronavirus

Some UK tourists currently in Spain took to Twitter to voice their concerns about the bombshell quarantine news

Some UK tourists currently in Spain took to Twitter to voice their concerns about the bombshell quarantine news

In a statement easyJet said: ‘We are disappointed that the Government has decided to impose a quarantine requirement for those travelling from the whole of Spain since the increased occurrence of Coronavirus is regional rather than nationwide.

‘We plan to operate our full schedule in the coming days. Customers who no longer wish to travel can transfer their flights without a change fee or receive a voucher for the value of the booking. 

‘Should any flights be cancelled for later in August customers will be notified and informed of their options which includes transferring to an alternative flight free of charge, receiving a voucher or applying for a refund via a webform on our dedicated Covid Help Hub at’

Travel company TUI has also suspended all their outbound flights from Spain but assured tourists currently in the country that they would be able to return home on their correct flights.

The new quarantine being imposed on inbound tourists from Spain will impact on Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s drive to get Britons to ‘go back into work if they can’.

In a shift from the government’s ‘work from home if you can’ edict, the Prime Minister suggested people should return to the office if it is ‘safe’.

However, with many people returning from Spain set to be stuck indoors because of the two-week quarantine, it will be impossible for many people currently holidaying in Spain to follow the new guidelines.

There are also fears that France could be the next country hit by a second wave of the virus.

With signs from Spain over the past week suggesting that the country was being hit by a second wave of coronavirus, the decision to impose a quarantine tonight has been met by questions as to why it was not put in place sooner. 

This come after King Felipe VI and Queen Letizia of Spain donned facemasks during a mass as part of their tour of the country.

The royal couple were pictured on Sunday morning at a mass to mark the Day of Galicia at the church of San Martino Pinario in Santiago de Compostela, Galicia.

It comes as Spain recorded 2,255 more coronavirus cases in 24 hours and Catalonia shut it’s nightclubs down for two weeks amid fears of a second wave.

The Catalan government went ahead with its threat to close discos across the entire region as the number of cases rose to 319,501 yesterday.

King Felipe VI and Queen Letizia of Spain have been travelling around the country to better understand the impact of the virus. Pictured at a mass to mark the Day of Galicia at the church of San Martino Pinario in Santiago de Compostela, Galicia

King Felipe VI and Queen Letizia of Spain have been travelling around the country to better understand the impact of the virus. Pictured at a mass to mark the Day of Galicia at the church of San Martino Pinario in Santiago de Compostela, Galicia

Nightclub owners were told they must shut their doors for the next fortnight.

The move comes as Spanish health officials admitted they could be dealing with a second coronavirus wave.

The regions of Catalonia and Aragon are the two worst-affected areas.

Five areas of Spain have now been put into lockdown to curb the spread of the virus; Catalonia, Zaragoza, Pamplona, Totana and A Marina. 

Meanwhile, King Felipe VI and Queen Letizia of Spain have been travelling around the country to better understand the impact of the virus. 

Barcelona earlier this week said it was reducing the maximum number of people who could use its beaches at any one time from 38,000 to 32,000 as officials urged sun seekers to avoid weekend peak periods.

The Catalan government has gone ahead with its threat to close discos across the entire region as the number of cases rose to 319,501 yesterday. Pictured, Barcelona on July 19

The Catalan government has gone ahead with its threat to close discos across the entire region as the number of cases rose to 319,501 yesterday. Pictured, Barcelona on July 19

Last weekend Barcelona residents were asked to stay at home wherever possible as town hall chiefs tried to encourage voluntary quarantine to stem the spread of coronavirus.

Catalan president Quim Torra admitted earlier this week his government was looking at the possibility of ordering the closure of discos across the region of nearly eight million inhabitants.

The move affects all establishments with disco or music hall licences. 

Respected Catalan daily El Periodico said the closure order also affected late-night pubs, although a tweet from regional health chiefs said simply: ‘The opening to the public of discos, music halls and nightspots licenced to put on shows has been suspended across Catalunya.’

This graph shows Spain's new coronavirus cases for the past two weeks. It recorded an additional 2,255 new cases. The large spike of 4,000 cases is a result of the country stopping reporting cases over weekends

This graph shows Spain’s new coronavirus cases for the past two weeks. It recorded an additional 2,255 new cases. The large spike of 4,000 cases is a result of the country stopping reporting cases over weekends

This graph of the entire coronavirus outbreak shows that cases are rising increasingly fast but are still behind the 9,000-a day at the peak of the outbreak 

This graph of the entire coronavirus outbreak shows the number of coronavirus deaths per day in Spain, and shows fatalities are yet to start increasing along with the rise in cases

Would you like a straw with that? Drug-dealers give away FREE face masks and snorting straws with grams of cocaine in Mallorca 

Health-conscious drug dealers have been giving away free masks to Brits buying cocaine in Mallorca, it has been revealed.  

The pushers, who operate in tourist hotspot Palmer and are flogging the powder for €100-a-gram, throw in a face mask and a special snorting straw ‘free of charge’ with each purchase. 

The new sales initiative was spotted by one stunned ex-pat who managed to capture pictures of the bizarre package.

The ex-pat, who did not want to be named, told MailOnline: ‘It was difficult to believe someone selling something so dangerous would be so concerned about health.

Drug dealers throw in a face mask and a special snorting straw 'free of charge' with each purchase

The pushers operate in tourist hotspot Palmer and are flogging the powder for €100-a-gram

Drug dealers, who operate in tourist hotspot Palmer and are flogging the powder for €100-a-gram, throw in a face mask and a special snorting straw ‘free of charge’ with each purchase

The new sales initiative was spotted by one stunned ex-pat who managed to capture pictures of the bizarre package. Pictured, snorting straws

The new sales initiative was spotted by one stunned ex-pat who managed to capture pictures of the bizarre package. Pictured, snorting straws

‘In Spain the authorities are extremely strict on masks. When you go into toilets you have to wear a mask, so the giveaway with the cocaine obviously facilitates going in there without a problem.’

They said the free tubes were being sold in multiple colours to help people keep track and avoid sharing with others.  

‘The tubes are to tackle the issue with notes now, which users usually have to snort the coke. Now they have got these tubes, which are even colour-coded so people don’t accidentally share them,’ they added.

‘I don’t know if this is something that all dealers are doing, but it certainly is enterprising.’

Photographs show the ex-pat holding four straws of different lengths and colours; blue, yellow, black and red.   

Spanish daily El Pais said the two-week ban, introduced at midnight, also applied to hotels with dance floors laying on musical entertainment.

Bars and restaurants in the areas where the highest number of Covid-19 cases have been confirmed in the past few days, including Barcelona city centre and surrounding sleeper towns as well as municipalities in Girona further north including Figueres, have to close by midnight.

French PM Jean Castex has urged the country’s citizens to avoid travelling to Catalonia because of the health situation there.

Josep Maria Argimon, the secretary of Public Health of Catalonia, admitted its health system was facing ‘critical days.’

He added: ‘We’re not in critical days like in March, when our hospital intensive care units were full.

People sitting on beach towels on Cala de Alfacar, Menorca, earlier this week amid fears of a second wave of coronavirus cases in Spain

People sitting on beach towels on Cala de Alfacar, Menorca, earlier this week amid fears of a second wave of coronavirus cases in Spain 

‘Now what’s critical is that people follow all the rules and guidelines to ensure the spread of the virus slows down.’

The Catalan late-night entertainment shutdown follows a path being taken by other regions in Spain, although the Balearic Islands had been the only other one to take the draconian measure ahead of the spike of new cases.

Late-night bars in Murcia have been told they can only serve customers outside who are sat down in places like terraces where social distancing is guaranteed.

In Navarra, which includes the city of Pamplona where the famous Running of the Bulls normally takes place every year, emergency measures are being brought in which will include the closure of nightspots at 2am.

Officials in Madrid also said yesterday they were studying plans to bring in new limitations on the region’s nightlife which would revolve around reductions in the number of people inside and outside bars and clubs at any one time.

A lockdown in the municipality of Totana in Murcia, south east Spain was the result of a Covid-19 outbreak centred on a pub called Dubai.

More than 50 people at the nightspot tested positive for the virus.

Around 30,000 residents are affected by the Totana lockdown, with entry and exit into the municipality banned except in cases of extreme necessity.

Restaurants and bars are only allowed to open outside terrace areas with 50 per cent capacity.

It comes after France told its citizens not to travel to Catalonia. 

Norway has also re-imposed quarantine rules for people arriving from Spain while Britons have been warned that air bridges could be axed at short notice, leaving them vulnerable to two weeks of isolation when they return to the UK. 

Although the UK government kept Spain on its ‘green list’ of countries that do not require quarantines, officials have indicated that this could change without notice if the rise in Spanish cases gets worse. 

Some British holidaymakers are cancelling their trips and TUI has said it will cancel packages to Spain if returning travellers are forced to go into a 14-day quarantine when they return to the UK. 

France and Germany also announced that all returning travellers will be given a free coronavirus test amid fears that the holiday season is driving a surge in cases on the continent. 

In response to the threat, authorities in the Costa del Sol have ordered people running along the beach to wear face masks. 

People doing sport had previously been exempted from using the face coverings across Spain.

But Mijas Town Hall has now said its Senda Litoral, based around a long boardwalk that connects existing paths and promenades and stretches across most of the municipality’s coastline, will be out of bounds to people practising sport unless they mask up.

The decision was taken after town hall chiefs were told social distancing could not be guaranteed.

Mijas, which lies between Marbella to the west and Fuengirola to the east, is a popular destination for British holidaymakers and home to thousands of expats.

It is believed to be the first local authority in Spain to make face masks obligatory in part of its public outdoor spaces for people out exercising.

The Senda Litoral is a project involving 14 Costa del Sol municipalities designed to connect more than 110 miles of coastline with existing paths and seafront promenades.

It raises the prospect other town halls along the famous coastline will follow suit, effectively banishing sports enthusiasts from enjoying seaside jogs at any time of the day.

The use of face masks in Spain has gradually been tightened up. They are now obligatory almost everywhere in public outdoors across the country, having been obligatory in public in closed spaces like shops as well as public transport for some time.

French health officials have recorded 4,724 new cases already this week, up from 3,922 from last Monday to Friday and 3,792 in the working week before that

French health officials have recorded 4,724 new cases already this week, up from 3,922 from last Monday to Friday and 3,792 in the working week before that

Madrid and the Canary Islands are the only two regions who allow people to ditch them in public spaces outdoors where social distancing can be guaranteed.

Exceptions on where they have to be used vary from region to region. Most places with coastline have exempted beaches but Andalucia which includes the Costa del Sol insists on their use on beaches unless sunbathers are sat on the sand or heading to and from the water for a swim.

One of Spain’s top health officials warned that the country could be suffering a second wave of coronavirus amid an alarming increase in cases that has sparked numerous local lockdowns. 

Deputy emergency health director Maria Jose Sierra has revealed her concerns over the spike in Covid-19 cases.

Ms Sierra said: ‘We have important outbreaks. It could be a second wave. We’ll have to see what happens in the next few weeks.’  

In the past 24 hours, some 922 new infections were diagnosed, the ministry said, compared with 971 the previous day. 

France’s prime minister Jean Castex said ‘we strongly encourage French citizens to avoid’ going to Catalonia, which has seen nearly 8,000 new cases in the last two weeks.  

French health officials are also concerned about steadily increasing coronavirus cases in their own country, having recorded 4,724 new cases this week, up from 3,922 from a week earlier.    

Sierra’s comments mark the first time a senior Spanish health official has used the expression ‘ second wave’ since a spike in the number of Covid-19 cases following the end of the country’s state of emergency on June 21. 

The Spanish tourism industry, which accounts for around 12 per cent of the nation’s economy, now faces uncertainty after the country’s borders were reopened to tourists with great fanfare last month.  

And Spanish epidemiologist Juan Jose Badiola said he could not rule out a national return to the draconian state of emergency lockdown, when people were ordered to stay indoors unless it was to go to buy food or head to the chemist’s.

People wearing face masks walk along La Misericordia Beach, Malaga, earlier this week as Spain faces a fresh blow to its tourism industry due to coronavirus

People wearing face masks walk along La Misericordia Beach, Malaga, earlier this week as Spain faces a fresh blow to its tourism industry due to coronavirus 

He told Spanish TV station Telecinco: ‘I would like to think we don’t have to go back to that but I can’t rule it out completely because the rate of new infections is becoming very worrying.’

The region of Murcia sealed off 30,000 people in the town of Totana earlier this week, barring anyone from entering or leaving after 55 cases linked to a nightlife venue.

Elsewhere, restrictions have been tightened in Zaragoza and Pamplona while millions of people have been urged to stay at home in Catalonia, including in Barcelona. 

Brits WILL have to wear masks while exercising in Spain 

British holidaymakers wanting to go for a morning run along part of the Costa del Sol coastline have been told they too will have to wear face masks.

People doing sport had previously been exempted from using the face coverings across Spain.

But Mijas Town Hall has now said its Senda Litoral, based around a long boardwalk that connects existing paths and promenades and stretches across most of the municipality’s coastline, will be out of bounds to people practising sport unless they mask up.

The decision was taken after town hall chiefs were told social distancing could not be guaranteed.

Mijas, which lies between Marbella to the west and Fuengirola to the east, is a popular destination for British holidaymakers and home to thousands of expats.

It is believed to be the first local authority in Spain to make face masks obligatory in part of its public outdoor spaces for people out exercising.

People sunbathing at the La Misericordia Beach, Malaga, this week as the Spanish tourism industry faces uncertainty

People sunbathing at the La Misericordia Beach, Malaga, this week as the Spanish tourism industry faces uncertainty

In Galicia, the last movement restrictions were lifted in A Marina yesterday but 350 people are still under observation at home and four are in hospital after an outbreak in the area. 

Other Spanish health officials are more confident that the spurt in cases will decline.   

Tourism Minister Maria Reyes Maroto tried to put a positive on an increasingly worrying situation by insisting the health situation in Catalonia and Aragon, the country’s two worst affected areas, was ‘getting better’.

Which parts of Spain are facing new lockdowns? 

TOTANA: Murcia’s regional government put Totana back in lockdown with 30,000 people banned from entering or leaving the area after 55 cases linked to a nightlife venue. 

BARCELONA: Millions of people have been urged to stay at home in Catalonia and gatherings are restricted to 10 people. 

PAMPLONA: Restrictions re-imposed in Navarre’s capital with limited numbers in shops, bars and places of worship

ZARAGOZA: Zaragoza and some other areas of Aragon are back under ‘phase 2’ rules with gatherings limited to 10 people and bars ordered to close at midnight. 

A MARINA: Movement restrictions were lifted on Thursday, but 350 people are still under observation and four in hospital after a significant outbreak.  

Josep Maria Argimon, the secretary of Public Health of Catalonia, admitted its health system was facing ‘critical days.’

He added: ‘We’re not in critical days like in March, when our hospital intensive care units were full. Now what’s critical is that people follow all the rules and guidelines to ensure the spread of the virus slows down.’

France has said it would not rule out closing its border with the Catalan region of Spain as it experiences a ‘significant rise’ in infections, according to the French public health authority.   

Catalonia, which borders France, has been at the heart of a rebound in coronavirus cases since Spain lifted a nationwide lockdown one month ago.

Nearly 7,000 cases have been logged there in the past 14 days, accounting for almost half the nationwide total, though the rate has dropped in the past days. 

Norway has similarly warned that it may add Spain to its list of high-risk countries which would mean that all arrivals would be forced into a ten-day quarantine. 

Restrictions on late night bars and discos have been implemented in several Spanish towns and regions ahead of what is being seen as a critical weekend for Spain’s attempts to turn the tide in its battle against a second wave of cases.

Any nationwide return to lockdown would prove to be another blow to the Spanish economy after two thirds of tourists cancelled their hotel bookings this month. 

Cancellation rates are as high as 77 per cent among families and 70 per cent in the Balearic Islands which include Mallorca. 

At some hotels, the number of tourists cancelling holidays that they booked several weeks or months ago is higher than the number of new bookings. 

Elizabeth Keegan, director of tourism in Lloret de Mar, said: ‘We are getting cancellations from Britain, France and Belgium.

‘The 120 hotels here are about 65 per cent full and they are normally 100 per cent full at this time of year.’   

Spain has recorded more than 9,000 new cases in the last seven days after seeing only 5,000 in the previous week.

Women wearing face masks walk along La Misericordia Beach, Malaga, earlier this week amid the coronavirus crisis

Women wearing face masks walk along La Misericordia Beach, Malaga, earlier this week amid the coronavirus crisis

According to research by tourism group Dingus, visitors who booked their trips between two and four months ago have cancelled more than 80 per cent of their holidays. 

Cancellation rates overall are as high as 70 per cent in the Balearic Islands and 64 per cent in Spain as a whole. 

While tourists travelling alone have cancelled 54 per cent of their reservations, families have scrapped as many as 77 per cent of their trips, the data shows.   

The UK government has not made any changes in its rules regarding Spain, after scrapping the 14-day quarantine rule for people returning from Spain to England after July 10. 

Scotland also exempted Spain from its own 14-day rules this week after initially keeping it on the quarantine list. 

But it comes after British tourists were warned that a new travel system means air bridges could collapse at short notice leaving them facing a quarantine on return to the UK.  

The Foreign and Commonwealth Office earlier this month set out exemptions for a number of countries from its ‘all but essential’ travel guidance. 

It means that currently holidaymakers can travel to 74 locations without having to quarantine for 14 days upon their return to the UK.

However Britain currently reviews all the countries on the ‘safe list’ every three weeks. That has now been cut to just a week. 

Portugal blasts UK for not following ‘facts’ as it’s left OFF quarantine-free travel list

Portugal vented its fury at Britain as ministers refused to remove the popular holiday destination from its quarantine list.

Ministers updated a list of nations from which arrivals would be exempt from 14-day isolation this afternoon but the popular holiday destination was still missing from it.

It was left off when the system was launched three weeks ago amid fears at its level of coronavirus infections, promoting initial anger in Lisbon.

The refusal to change it sparked further uproar in Portugal, which relies heavily on tourism, with foreign minister Augusto Santos Silva saying the decision was ‘not backed by facts’.

But five other nations have been placed on the approved air bridge list:  Estonia, Latvia, Slovakia, Slovenia and the Caribbean islands’ nation of St Vincent and the Grenadines.

The change will come into effect from Tuesday.

The need for holidaymakers returning to Britain from Portugal to quarantine for 14 days has particularly affected the southern Algarve region, popular among Britons for its sandy beaches and golf courses.

Other European nations including Ireland, Belgium and Finland have also imposed travel restrictions on Portugal.

But Spain remains on the UK list of nations cleared for quarantine-free travel, despite fears it is suffering a second peak of infections.

This means you could go abroad to a country on the ‘safe’ list for your holiday, but while away a spike in coronavirus cases could mean the government could place it on the ‘red’ list, meaning you would have to quarantine for 14-days upon your return. 

There are also discussions of’regional’ air bridges could be set up to allow people to travel to specific areas of countries where there are lower rates of coronavirus infections. 

The government of the Balearic Islands insists that the archipelago is ‘safe for residents and visitors’, but some tourists have become alarmed by the growth in cases. 

The ‘regional’ air bridges plan could see low risk areas identified in high risk countries which travellers would be able visit without then being subject to 14-day quarantine rules upon their return. 

Such a move would mean the end of outright travel bans on entire countries and represent a further easing of quarantine rules. 

It is thought the air bridge plan is being looked at as part of a review of current travel restrictions, with changes due to be announced by Transport Secretary Grant Shapps on Monday.  

The introduction of ‘regional’ air bridges could open up travel to tourist hotspots like The Algarve and Madeira in Portugal while keeping a ban on going to areas like Lisbon where coronavirus is more prevalent.  

It could also allow for the return of some travel to the US amid fears the national scale of its outbreak could result in a long term ban.  

A source told The Telegraph: ‘Regional air bridges are an option for countries with localised outbreaks. 

‘The US is a major issue. If you judge it nationally, the absence of travel could go on for months, which is where individual testing of arrivals could work.’

Gloria Guevara, president of the World Travel and Tourism Council, told The Times: ‘The establishment of air corridors between financial centres where infection levels are low, such as between London and New York, would provide a vital boost to business travel and aid the economic recovery.’  

Meanwhile, ministers are also believed to be looking at introducing coronavirus tests before or on arrival at UK airports in a further measure which could reopen travel to the US. 

Mr Shapps will set out on Monday any changes to the current travel rules and announce whether any countries will be added to the 74 which are already exempt from the 14-day quarantine requirement.